I think the NBC commentators were looking for what’s changed between then and now. Try CBC, it’s much better.
I think the NBC commentators were looking for what’s changed between then and now. Try CBC, it’s much better.
It’s okay, you can say it, we won’t get mad.
Every car have manual.
It don’t park automatic.
She don’ know wasshe doin’. I tell her, “Establish herself in the lane!” and then she doesn’t. I tell her, “You’re on sidewalk! This is parking?!” She say, “I look in mirror, not sidewalk!” I tell her, “read mirror, object bigger!” She say “Shaddup”, I say “oye vey, just leave note and go.”, but she want coffee.
He’ll be in a wheelchair for a while because of the way he flipped and then he had his side of the car hit. He should have turned harder.
It jus’ blow’d up.
Televise? That will soon be an outdated term.
They’re too out of shape to play that. Need younger guys.
Oh shit! If that knocks out Jeopardy, my Gran is gonna be so pissed. Knock out Wheel? Fuuuuck. Jihad gonna look tame by comparison. She’s been havin’ Zika for breakfast with ebola bits all summer...
Only signal between NASCAR seasons.
He won’t win a championship on that team.
“especially” ruined it.
Hmmm could be better than bullets...
I don’t believe in jellyfish in the real world. I’ve seen them at the aquarium and on sponge bob, but that’s it. haha, so Drew sees these things and subjects his kid to it anyway? Nice going dad.
haha, at least you have two to choose from.
Can you challenge clinton too so we can find out what happened to 33,000 email, why she knowingly didn’t follow security procedure and why the FBI didn’t press charges?
It became our business when the cheating that was lied about occurred in the oval office.
haha, that’s table tennis!