Sharia he don't like it

Hillary IS a bitch, but no need for the reminder.

He’s already got the skills, he used to flat iron his pubes with George Clooney, but then learned about trimming. So he’s got the skills and equipment if his wife didn’t take the iron with her.

It’s just another example of cheaters prospering. Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Brady, the Yankees, Patriots spying, Jimmy Johnson, etc.

I don’t think he’s reacting to the golf and is being edged and struggling with control temporarily.

As opposed to going backward. Where else is there to go other than forward? What value does saying or writing “going forward” have given it’s the one and only option?

“Being forceful and demanding to be heard is not acting belligerent. Say your piece Erica Garner

I hope it’s Pence to make the announcement.