
It's sad that I bought this for my GF knowing this. Sims is pretty much the only video game that is HER territory. She loves the series. We both know that the Sims 4 will almost surely be better after 10 expansions, but it's disturbing that people have come to accept EA's greedy modus operandi for games like this.

You know there is no real huge reason why Sims couldn't already look like that. At least from the performance -vise. Current tech is more than capable running Sims that would look like that easy.

TS-Medieval was a flawed, but highly entertaining game imo. So little was needed for it to be a great game - full 3d camera freedom, ability to edit buildings themselves, not just furniture, maybe few occupations more (farmer should have been a given, but - nothing!)... It was entertaining and fun. A little bit too

I would not hold my breath, EA seems to be lazy/ do not care in that area for actually trying to forward graphic fidelity of the Sims.

EA, in summary...

No they'll include pools as part of their "Wet n'Wild pack" or somesuch. But surely you can see how that's a crappy way to treat loyal players, taking away fundamental gameplay features and making you pay extra for them?

Yeah but pools have been available in the vanilla game since the first iteration, and now even that's something they expect the player to pony up extra for. Same for the toddler life stage since 2, apparently. I don't care about expansions, but one they scale back very basic content that was formerly available in the

Oh man. I'm a micromanager too, I guess, because the idea of not being able to control the sim at home while the other's out somewhere drives me absolutely bonkers. Once upon a time, when my computer was too old to run TS3, I borrowed a friend's PS3 copy, and it was just like that: if one sim's over at this lot here,

The only thing that really disappoints me about the house building is the lack of textures. I built a spooky mansion to rival the Goths' - but with so few textures to choose from it looks far too similar to theirs.

Actually, body hair is the only one that looks like a mistake to me. There were certainly garage doors in TS3 base game — I think possibly just two styles, but they existed. Basements were possible in base game for both 2 and 3, although an early, free patch added a specific basement tool which made the process

Looking over the list of missing/crippled features:

I've been a fan of the series but I don't intend on buying this version since it appears they've taken a step backwards.

1. Initially I was most excited for the new CAS and build/buy mode features and improved social interactions whilst worrying about all the missing features.

Twincest is the best incest.

Well at least you can try dozens of diferent incest combinations!

I guess that's the give and take of something like this. You either keep the complexity while alienating new players, or simplify things and infuriate long time customers. For a company like EA, that's a very easy decision, as more new players = more $$$.

This is making the rounds:

Easily the worst entry. Does have neat additions, but lacking basic features previous games had. Painfully obviously built to wring DLC dollars from users. Would not purchase again.