
That season 5 reunion after Terminus gets me every.damn.time. (No, I'm not crying! I have something in my eye!!)
More thoughts after I gather them…

I also don't think Jaqen forgot that Arya saved his life. Perhaps he's secretly on her side..and not on the side of the Waif.

Because the Mad King was in Bran's visions, do you think Bran will find out the truth about Jaime and *why* he killed the Mad King? that could be huge, no?

More importantly, next week: BRONN.

three-eyed raven.

I don't think she's too far from "Burn them all".

I think Dany is going down the path of the Mad King. Darrio (sp?) isn't swayed by her speeches and she's manipulating thousands to potentially kill innocent people to get to the Iron Throne. That said, I still love seeing the dragons.

So, where are Sam and Gilly headed now? Obviously he's not going to be a Maester…are they heading back to the Wall? I cheered when he took the sword.

In re: Arya's storyline. I cheered when she plucked Needle from beneath the rocks. But, how on earth will she get off of Braavos? When the Waif spoke with Jaqen and said, "You promised me…" and he gave her the nod to go after Arya, maybe he did that on purpose to test the Waif? The Waif wants Arya dead for her own

I think Brienne helped him with that.

In re: Margaery, I think she's *pretending* to be a good person here to save herself and her brother. Perhaps I'm giving her too much credit, but, maybe it's some Sun Tzu plotting going on.

watching her face change broke my heart and took me back to that episode and how the Hound took her away from King's Landing.

Shhh. If you utter it 3x it will appear!

I wondered that too…if the Night's King is a Stark…

Yes! I did that as well. I also remember being on the subway on my way home from work one day while reading the Red Wedding chapter and how my face must have looked to my fellow passengers as I delved into the chapter. I remember the final few sentences of that chapter (through Arya's eyes) and how I said, "NOOO!"


You nailed it: that feeling we got when reading the books and Hodor's death unfolding last night. It was the same feeling. The same way I would yell at the books when horrible things happened was the same way I felt last night seeing it for the first time.

with all this sadness over Hordor and Summer, I almost forgot the full on shot of that play's actor's, ah, member. Woah.

I guess GRRM never had any real plans for the Direwolves storyline. (well, that sucks).
So, the Children of the Forest created the WW to protect themselves from man. And now, it's backfiring. whoops.
I'd like a gif of Brienne's eye roll after Tormund looks at her.
I need to go have another cry for Hordor & Summer now.

Me too. Shireen's death was awful, but, Hordor….dying so honorably…that hurt.