
I'm with you on the Iron Islands and Yara. I hope Theon makes it back.

Also, how long before Bran can warg into a dragon?
(I hope that happens)

Davos's comment was awesome. Which, is why, for me, he's one of my favorite characters.

More important question: Where is Bronn?? I hope he's in this season.

two reviews/articles/discussion threads makes sense. Why ruin stuff for those people who haven't read the books? Let them discuss it on the other thread.

That cracked me up. I think they should be referred to as "Whippy" and "Speary" (and the third one: "Stabby") from now on.

yes, of course. it's all part of my master plan…

Lady Stoneheart = would be awesome.

For me, what would be great is if Sansa, Theon, Brienne and Pod united with Davos…and then b/c Asha/Yara is on her was to Meeren, there's a Greyjoy-Tyrion (and hopfully Dany) team…which would *maybe* eventually reunite the Greyjoys…Wishful thinking on my part.

Oddly enough, I, too, wondered if Stannis was actually dead b/c we didn't *see* Brienne kill him. Then again, I also wonder if Gregor Cleygane is dead b/c Arya just left him there, bleeding. So, don't mind me. ;)

True. But, doesn't he know what happened at Hardhome?

oh, shit. now i guess my nerd card will be revoked.

where did the show leave off with Asha/Yara Greyjoy? Wasn't she on a ship out on a mission to find Theon?

It was nice to see the comedy team of Varys and Tyrion again…but now what? All the ships are burned and ruined.

Davos sees the bigger picture, the threat of the Wights and White Walkers and Thorne doesn't.

He might sense that he is after Melisandre came back to the Wall last season. He doesn't know about Shireen though…and he will be presumably crushed….and that may cause some tension w/him and Mel.

I just mentioned it b/c I've read comments from people who say that her storyline is "boring and slow." Arya is pretty bright and will catch on and will be prepared next time "stick girl" comes to pay a visit.

Arya's lack of eyesight isn't "crippling her training"; it's *part* of her training. Think of it like when Yoda had Luke wear the helmet while he was training with the light sabre, this is the same. Arya cannot become a faceless man overnight. There are no shortcuts and she found that out last season. When she