Basically. And this is coming from someone that thinks that the subversion of Jane Krakowski playing a native american passing for white is hilarious, because the show actually says something amidst all the absurdity.
Basically. And this is coming from someone that thinks that the subversion of Jane Krakowski playing a native american passing for white is hilarious, because the show actually says something amidst all the absurdity.
I think you really can't use Jack as an apt comparison. Jack and his context are bound by 7 seasons of development and insight. And Jack says what Jack the character would say, be it "right" or "wrong" is besides the point. The point that Jack can be a republican and a good person is a lot kinder than the college kids…
I mean you are right about the obnoxiousness, and I really think yours is a good, kinder read, but IDK, I really feel, I really perceived, the whole thing hinging on the conceit that the people that care about these issues, what we call campus pc culture, is just a bunch of babies. That sat not well with me, cause it…
Again, the punchline is about pc campus culture, that's not subtle. If anything, equating it to just a bunch of sheltered ivy leaguers is even worse.
And now you are putting campus pc culture on the level with the mocking of over-privileged white men that kill animals for funsies.
No, the point of the joke is that campus pc culture is just a bunch of babies.
So they are like cults, not JUST AS cults.
I mean I personally was more about the debt reduction and spending reduction, more so than pay less taxes.
You are not wrong on this analysis, yet I still think that, seeing the whole episode as an entire thing, the punchline is the college kids are a bunch of babies that don't know better; it all ends up leading up to that, and the show says it in no vague terms. Indeed there are other points along the day, but to me it's…
Don't bum me out with that man, I know my fave is problematic.
I mean yeah, if you agree that campus pc culture is self-righteous and moralistic, of course I think it should be funny.
Biting commentary and a catchy tune; Crazy Ex Girlfriend pampers us so much.
I think that's a possible read, but IDK, with how the punchline works, i.e. they are babies, I don't think that's the joke. Cause on the overall framing he's this baby that was denied something he wanted and he has to call his mommy, and I really don't think that reflects the reality of women that have to deal with…
Indeed, the inexorable pass of time.
It is funny that you think that campus pc culture and religious cults re kind of the same level to be mocked.
That's the thing, it's different to mock a situation and mock a whole bunch of people. You only mock people when you think they deserve it, and be right or wrong, that's what you are saying.
Indeed, and I think I should have been clear on that cause I don't wanna be unfair to UKS, cause I indeed love this show bunches. While the consent card was a funny joke to me, the following of rejection on the dude was very cringey, and it played a lot on the idea that he (and the group Fey was making fun of) didn't…
Are you just going for the roundabout way of calling me oversensitive?
*insert Emma Roberts pouting gif*
I feel like my issue with the episode is Fey basically saying "I know better" almost using Kimmy as an stand in for herself, criticizing young people and their "social causes" and dismissing them, as if being an older woman with experience makes her by default right about the issue.