
I rewatched the Wilder movie a couple of years back for the first time in decades and I was like, oh yeah, he totally bodied those kids. Same as how Hitchcock would always come out at the end of his show and tell you that the police had rapidly apprehended the perpetrators. Yep.

Dude, it looks like they fed a bunch of prompts into Midjourney.

Thank you for that.

Generative Fill: The Movie 

Wow. That looks horrible.

Eh, no one wants or needs this.

I heard a lot of adjectives used to describe the film when it debuted at TIFF. Oddly, none of them were ‘good’.

If you’re gonna make what is essentially a fan film then just put it on Youtube for free. Otherwise, come up with your own IP.

Guarantee WB didn’t change its mind. It’s probably being screened under the festival license (which allows you to do stuff like this.)

I’m pretty sure that was Rhodey’s voice on the other end of the phone call with Mrs. Fury. Which would confirm the theory that Rhodey is a Skrull that’s been going around since last week.

The show just looks bland as hell.

That might be true but no for-profit company is OK just making some profit. They’re all forecasting what they expect to make from every revenue stream and measuring performance based on that. And it would be hard to believe that Disney is OK with a potential nine-figure loss at the theaters from Indiana Jones, even if

That is strangely nice to hear. And yeah it doesn’t surprise me, because I doubt AI will be reliable for the specificity of the stuff they’d commission - and AI freaks aren’t part of any real community, not even a pro-AI one.

It’s gonna get even easier, as the AIs scrub more and more imagery created by other AIs rather than human artists. Cannibal slurry.

THIS is the thing that will level the playing field and allow THEM to be the artist, which is unnecessary because artists are useless and should get used to not having jobs... or something.

Yeah, you’re hopeless. What we have here isn’t even true AI, it’s advanced machine learning. It isn’t smart enough to know whatpretty” actually means, let alone make any sort of aesthetic calls, and can’t think about anything that isn’t LITERALLY fed to it. If you can’t even understand that much, you really

Now playing

As I said: you’re ascribing special value onto otherwise arbitrary neural processes just because they come from a human.

I wouldn’t bother with Magus. He’s a Musk ride or die tech bro. I would just dismiss and ignore at this point.

Well, first of all I’m saying the emperor has no clothes.

Pot meet kettle...
over a topic he [keeps on replying to for no apparent reason] I’m simply responding in kind.”