
Yeah, doesn’t quite work as you intended with that bit of info. Props for effort.

Not to drag this out, but... The matchup was pitched by the charity, not Trudeau. If there was a “deliberate choice of opponent” it was made by the charity.

Trudeau accepted an invitation to a charity boxing match pitting a Liberal MP against a Conservative Senator (Brazeau). The fact that Brazeau grew up “in an indigenous community” doesn’t equate to Trudeau wanting to beat up some random person from the indigenous community. It was all part of the pretty rich boy vs.

I’m sorry but no one in their right mind thinks a charity boxing match equals “beat the shit out of”. There are stretches and there at leaps and weve got a canyon down here for your next attempt.

Scaramucci’s gonna “cross” Trump (or Trump’s gonna just lose interest in him) by Christmas anyway. There is definitely still time.

Your characterization of this as Trudeau “boasting” that he “wanted to beat the shite out of an indigenous person” is an extreme misrepresentation. First, it was a charity boxing match - no one was going to get hurt. Second, he described Brazeau as the perfect foil to the “rich, pretty boy, urban elite” image his

This is everyone’s favourite Nice Guy PM Trudeau boasting about the fact he deliberately wanted to beat the shite out of an indigenous person.

With the Mooch ping-ponging off of every wall in DC like a crazy man, I am surprised that this guy hasn’t been brought in yet. There is time...... He would fit right in.

Here’s a scarier thought: imagine what a gaping asshole Scaramucci would be on cocaine

UK Update:

Ugh. I will never get the image of Stev Bannon attempting to suck his own cock out of my head. Probably happened here.

You guys ever read an interview with someone and say to yourself at the end: “Holy shit that guy was on a lot of cocaine.”?

“Anthony Scaramucci, a finance bro who is now, for no apparent reason, paid to represent the White House and president of the United States of America, used the word “cock” exactly three times—and “fuck” a total of six times—in a rather incredible rant to The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on Wednesday night.”

I’ve always found Israel’s rather zealous response to the BDS movement incredibly bizarre.

If the parliamentarian rules that defunding Planned Parenthood is incompatible with reconciliation, I expect Pence to ignore the guidance. I think he’s going to do anything he can to cut funding for reproductive health.

Somebody seriously needs to fuck up Mitch McConnell’s shit.

I don’t even have the right word for how fucking outrageous, embarrassing, and cruel this is.

Not going to lie, I was really proud to see our military up here in Canada tweet this:

This morning Putin adversary (and chess genius) Garry Kasparov tweeted this perfect take on the Putin/Trump modus operendi (and he’s spot-on)...