
They are (at least the director is so far) and more than a few people (even on here) are already lapping it up and parroting the excuse. This all sucks to see happen.

Bingo. It also sets a VERY bad precedent for future projects. I knew the defense of “it’s supposed to be that way!” would come out from the fanboys, but it still sucks to see. Hopefully the AI craze the crypto bros are pushing will crash just like the crypto and NFT garbage here soon.

It’s kind of impressive and I’m utterly fascinated by this entire debacle. The sheer amount of hubris that existed at the top of the Disney food chain to think this would be a profitable endeavor. 

Exactly, but they don’t solely cater to an extremely niche group of fans on top of being incredibly expensive. It was a hotel dedicated to LARPing Star Wars fans 24/7 who are also financial whales with a layout that didn’t exactly look like it should cost 5K a stay. It’s the perfect example of executive hubris. I look

That’s what I’m saying. Resorts for the ultra rich are niche. Resorts that solely cater to Star Wars LARPers are niche. Resorts that cater to both of those demographics are even more niche. I mean, they didn’t even include basic hotel amenities that you come to expect like a pool, so they really can’t just convert

I’m sure it has nothing to do with outpricing something like 90% of the population. 

I like the way you think!

I don’t know. I’m getting an Inhumans “being made because of contractual reasons” vibe off of this.

It’ll definitely take away a sense of discovery. My teen loved going through all the animal options with her first druid and trying out different things for different situations. Sometimes it didn’t work out, then sometimes she found a form that was perfect for what she needed. Maybe she would scout the cave as a

This really makes druids less interesting and versatile. Not surprised this is the direction WotC wants to go. 

Yeah, a lot of these don’t seem like useless filler or anything, especially for the time it was printed. Honestly, it’s better than some of the tables in 5E like what a character’s personality is.

That I do get. I am more worried about future new shenanigans. Hoping for the best, but prepared for shitbuggery.

Savage Worlds was sold out last week too, IIRC. Maybe a short term thing, but a lot of people are looking at other options at the least.

Seriously. I am still done with WotC for quite some time. They tried to fuck over a lot of good people with their bullshit overreach, and that is not something I will just forget. I mean, who is to say they don’t just go back to the original plan after a year or so and things die down? Maybe I'll be in minority,

Bingo. The entire thing is all about execs thinking they could just force the OGL down everyone’s throats at the last minute and not have to deal with any actual problems.

The leak was absolutely official and contracts had already been sent out. This has been confirmed by multiple third party publishers. WotC has consistently lied about it being a draft and continues to do so.

You’re not alone there. heh

Instead of replying to both of your comments, I’ll just agree with both of them here. I hadn’t read all the details of the new “playtest” OGL (fuck, that doesn’t make sense) at first and, yeah, there are so many non-starters here it’s kind of funny. I do think the ride or die WotC fanboys will stick with D&D, no

Going over it in more detail, there are a lot of issues, yeah.