I really need to take a picture sometime.
I really need to take a picture sometime.
Because of course he lives with his dad in a compound.
That’s usually a sign that you’ve made some bad life decisions.
I read an interesting study years and years ago that the number of bumper stickers on a person’s vehicle is usually a good indicator about how likely they are to go through fits of road rage and the like. The idea was that it was sort of a modern day equivalent to “marking one’s territory” and that the more stickers…
Well, that’s what I heard!
“Both sides”
Already seeing the Alex Jones nuts and usual trolls claiming it was a false flag. sigh
The problem is people on the left keep protesting at restaurants and such. Clearly that is just as bad as trying to blow someone up. At least, that’s what I’m seeing. Fucking hell.
My big theory is that Kavanaugh is the one who was bought and paid for enough to be worth all this trouble for the GOP. There’s still a lot of unanswered questions regarding his financials, and they rang some serious warning bells when they first came to light.
At this point it’s all about power, which is no coincidence considering what we’re seeing unfold. The GOP knows they can do whatever they want and there’s not much anyone can do about it, and they’re getting off on this trainwreck as it goes on.
Personally, I favor being fed to a giant meat grinder or being raped to death by a hepatitis infected bear, but then I’m a bit of a romantic at heart. Que será, será
Cruz is just flat out calling for the white hood vote with that tweet.
Ohhhh... Ho ho ho, that is a good question. I like that.
I want that on a shirt. Or a hat. Either way.
And Long Island is their Mississippi.
I gotta admit, I stopped watching about 4 or 5 years ago. I’ll sometimes go back on Hulu and watch a a good amount older episodes I still enjoy. Dammit... I may do that this weekend. I still remember getting in trouble in high school for using the school computer to print out random shit online about the show when it…
I just had that Office episode pop into my head where Michael gets in trouble for calling Oscar a “fag”, and he goes on a tangent about using the word “retard.” That he would never call an actual retarded person “retard,” only use it on friends who were “being retarded.”
Np. It’s such a great episode. It has this bizarre parody of the Hardy Boys in it who keep getting boners over “clues” they find. So weird. The title is “Dookie in the Urinal.”
Well, in this particular conversation, it was most definitely Eric. It’s from the episode where you see Cartman is a 9/11 truther. heh