When it comes down to it, he wants to piss off someone enough to attack. He’s trying to goad some crazy into some sort of terrorist action on US soil. He’s creaming his pants at the thought of something going down because of this shit.
When it comes down to it, he wants to piss off someone enough to attack. He’s trying to goad some crazy into some sort of terrorist action on US soil. He’s creaming his pants at the thought of something going down because of this shit.
A good buddy of mine has a theory that Dowd and Bannon have found the Mooch’s coke stash, and did a few rails off Miller’s head.
I want a drug that lets me blow people’s head’s up with my mind.
Yup! Finally came across an article (on NYT, I think) that went over it some.
That’s exactly why I believe that’s how this went down. lol That really seems like what went through his brain before sending out that tweet.
Scuttlebutt is that the remaining members were planning on disbanding anyway, but Trump got wind and decided to try and save face with this route.
I always get a kick out of the sheer number of Confederate Navy Jacks I see in NY and Michigan. Fucking hell, man.
Overpromising a game and outright lying about features... Did Peter Molyneaux get cloned? Zing!
I had similar thoughts. Shit is going down, and Trump’s Twitter meltdowns seem to be the head’s up.
It’s interesting, because the raid went down the same day Trump dropped his transgender military tweet. Almost like he was on edge and tried to throw a smoke bomb.
That’s a good one. heh
Correction then. We need a John Lennon fan.
I am the cenobite of the internet. I bring both pleasure and pain.
I have never seen him without his makeup until deciding to Google it now. It’s like night and day. That’s some damn good makeup.
Pretty much. “Hey, let’s see if we can get a few of the folks to turn on each other.”
I try to consider myself better than that normally, but I make a special exception for guys like Self-loathing Nosferatu up there.
Where’s someone who wants to impress Jodie Foster when you need them?
Lord... You’re right. I hadn’t even thought of it like that.
That’s what bothers me the most about this. This was all Murkowski and Collins’ baby, and McCain just happens to be along for the ride. I do honestly feel that it comes down to having zero fucks to give. Enough of the GOP wanted a fall guy, he won’t be around next year (more than likely), and he probably enjoyed the…
Well, that’s a pretty shitty plan, if you ask me. He needs a plan B.