
I’ll tell you one thing, with McConnell having about zero control over half his own party, the one thing they care about now is passing their tax cuts before the clock runs out.

They were willing to tell various demographics around the country that everything wrong was the other guy’s fault, and they were going to make it rain for everyone. Pretty standard cult building, really.

I used to be pretty buddy-buddy with a similar guy until shortly after the election. I’d realized he had really gone off the deep end, and the last thing I remember him telling me was a vague threat about being armed and ready for blood if liberals came for him.

Jesus. I recognize some of these names (like Lynn up there) as regular trolls over on WaPo and a few other sites.

I’m a bit too young to have lived through Watergate, but I’ve always been a big history buff, and it’s absolutely mind blowing what’s happened in just the past three months. I think I may become a functional alcoholic by the time this all pans out.

NYT just hit with a new article on the matter. Edit: Dang. Saw Gramercy beat me to it. IGNORE ME!

I’ll admit, it’s not going as fast as I want to, but it’s going way faster than I expected. Of course, that’s mostly thanks to dummies like Don Jr. flatout just admitting some of this shit.

Throw in some nachos, and I’m there.

That presumes they would learn anything from the experience.

I really wish this fuckbird and his whole shit eating family could be forced in a room with the poor folks they scammed for an hour. Hell, I would pay to watch, and the proceeds could go to reimburse his victims.

Assholes, uh, find a way.

You have no idea how happy it would make me to see her roped into that.

It was pretty great seeing Heinrich just lay the fuck into that racist shit gibbon. Especially this little exchange.

Someone should start a betting pool on whether or not he knowingly got into bed with the Russians.

WSJ has been interesting since this came out. A few folks parroting the “he’s his boss and should want loyalty” nonsense.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the is simply not enough polonium in the world for these fucks.

Where’s a guy who wants to impress Jodie Foster when you need one?

And shitty steaks. Never forget the shitty steaks. Oh wait, he couldn’t even make money off shitty steaks. Hah!

Back at ya. heh

I’m pretty sure Conway took it from him, Highlander-style.