
Half my family live up in NY, and I’m sadly all too familiar with racism on both sides of the Mason-Dixon. sigh

Fucking right, eh? Old enough to know better, and young enough to have been raised by people who knew better. We live in the south, and even we couldn’t believe it. We’ve heard plenty of dumbass racist shit, but this was a whole new level of fucked.

I shit you not, but a buddy of mine just saw a coworker fired for that. A girl in her 30's was in a meeting with two people, called them colored, then apologized when their jaws hit the floor and said that she didn’t know what to call “you people.”

That was a great tweet.

Hah He reminds me of Michael Scott in the diwali episode where he complains about the celebration not having s’mores and such to eat.

It’s that kind of shit (and some pretty bad anti-science shit) that finally turned me off on Jez years back.

It feels like they’re just trying to burn the whole country down before they have to do the perp walk.

Once that kind of audio gets leaked, you know there has to be more out there.

More good news today. Word is that Chaffetz (fucking Bucky Beaver looking mother fucker) may be stepping down today.

There is absolutely no way Pence can wash his hands of this. The whole upper echelon of the GOP has got be under investigation at this point.

That’s the thing, isn’t it? This is literally too crazy to be real, but there’s enough going on that we’re aware of that this could be legit. I’m real curious what exactly the investigation turns up.

Oh damn, I didn’t even think of that. That is pretty great.

Here here.

If this ends with the GOP gutted and in ruins, their misdeeds dragged kicking and screaming into the light, I can look forward to the world my little girl will someday inherit.

Good point. I could see them wanting to take him out of the equation before things really get going.

I would agree, if they weren’t so quick to completely deny the story to begin with. Once they were confronted with a tape, they changed story right away.

Not saying everything is definite, but a lot of dirty shit is going to be dug up. The higher ups in the party has managed to piss off the the feds and the IC through Trump, and by ignoring his worst proclivities. I wouldn’t be surprised if leaking the intel to Russia was the final straw for a lot of them.

For his sake, I hope he actually listens to the advice of others at this point.

I really try to avoid that sort of stuff like the plague (I do not want to go down that rabbit hole), but it’s hard not to think that some serious shit is on the horizon at this point.

That’s the thing, after it came out today that Ryan seems to have tried to silence any mention of Russian involvement with the election, I feel that right there is the tell that he is in deep here, too. That information got leaked for a reason. Pence and Ryan are as dirty as they come.