
I never though I would see the day. I’ve always hated Fox News, but it was kinda reassuring that I could say, “well, it could be worse.” I need to knock on wood more.

Oh, they are out in force, for sure. It’s frightening how many genuine crazies are mixed in, though.

But they’ll hold on to it for dear life, screaming into the shadows, “Clinton is a murderer!” over and over again, even years after the inevitable impeachment/resignations. “Clinton is a murder!” as they clutch their articles they printed off of Infowars and Breitbart, fresh from their dot matrix printers.


It really is just desperate as hell. I keep seeing either this story pop up, or screams of “he can declassify whatever he wants, so there!”

Shit, you do not want to piss off the Mossad.

Right up (down?) there with the Sandy Hook truthers.

This would make for a great study I feel.

Pretty much. Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars are now one in the same, it seems.

The sad thing is, they are fucking falling for it hard. I’m seeing this all over Washington Post and a few other sites in the comments sections.

Like I said yesterday, there goes McMasters’ credibility. How many careers will be ended by the time this is all over?

McMaster just went to bat for the fucker, giving a pretty classic non-denial denial. Welp... There goes his credibility/career.

Hey now! He’s not just an internet tough guy! He’s a TEXAS internet tough guy. Truly, the toughest of the pretend tough.

I wouldn’t bother. It’s pretty clear that him and his butt buddy milky just don’t understand how federal laws work, and don’t care to try and understand them. They’ve decided to take it up the ass, feel that’s how things are, and that everyone else should take it up the ass, too.

Still incorrect. An employee is still protected to discuss pay, and would not have trouble finding an attorney to represent them. This misinformation is harmful to workers. The link specifically states that federal law protects an employee here, and it has been argued and won multiple times in the past, even in at

Sadly, it may come down to that. They don’t want any of that fancy stuff like hummus or salads at school. Hamburgers and rubbery nachos were good enough for them, and by God that’s good enough for their kids!

Incorrect. State employment laws can supersede federal laws, but only in situations where they provide the higher standard of protection. Example, federal laws protecting the ability to talk to other employees about pay are protected and not overridden by state laws. If you are fired because your boss just doesn’t

With a dash of Reagan’s dementia.

I never thought I would see anything like this happen. I thought wanting the best for your kids was a universal thing. Clothes, schools, homes, etc... Even if they ate shit the rest of the day at home, why would you want to deprive your child of something a little better once a day.

Damn... That’s just spooky.