I’ve literally seen a few of his supporters calling news outlets that are just reporting on his own tweets “fake news.” How is that even possible? What?!?
I’ve literally seen a few of his supporters calling news outlets that are just reporting on his own tweets “fake news.” How is that even possible? What?!?
I remember the time Obummer (that’s what we say, right?) golfed every single weekend at his own resorts and was able to cost the government millions of dollars that he profited off of, too.
TGIF, right?
Oh yeah. The press stuff is just childish bullshit he’s pulling on top of the other shit.
Threatening Comey while also hinting he may just cancel press briefings in their entirety today. Jesus titty fucking Christ.
Trump just publicly threatened Comey via Twitter today. Something seems to be up.
Thanks for the heads up there. Good stuff.
I honestly don’t get it. Like you say, backing up a bullshitter will blow back on the cosigner. It’s not hard to know this. It’s just insane.
Here’s some interesting stuff that’s come out today, too.
Yeah, that’s an oddly specific phrase for him to use.
I legitimately think he’s suffering from some sort of disorder. Vanity Far has a good article up on his interview in The Economist, and there’s some real gems in there.
Looks like Sessions was looking for any old excuse. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/332651-sessions-was-told-to-find-reasons-to-fire-comey-reports
It’s pretty fucking hilarious. The insane mental gymnastics I’ve seen by hard core right wingers is beyond belief. I’ve seen multiple claims that Le Pen is right wing, but the Nazis (which she tooooootally isn’t, apparently) were socialists, and therefore left wing liberals.
It really is insane. It’s such a damn good show, and if they actually sat down and watched the damn thing, they might actually enjoy it and even learn a little bit about other people and themselves.
Wouldn’t mind if someone aborted all of his insides and replaced them with shit. Not the good kind of shit like bat or something either, but something low grade like dog.
Wes Boreland is involved? Fucking crazy. lol
That’s some good stuff right there.
Sadly, a Google image search for “justice laser” didn’t turn up anything real awesome. sigh
Seriously, stay angry. It’s the best emotion to have right now. You can focus that shit like a goddamn laser of justice.
For a company that makes video games, they appear to be run by the reverend from Footloose.