
There was the sudden departure from GG. Certainly possible this shit came out, and that’s part of the reason. I know I would cut off a business relationship with someone like this.

hah Thanks and back at ya.

Looks like new info on Bharara’s firing has come to light. Seems he was looking into this dipshit before the hammer came down.

Mostly thrown his lot in with the Dems, lent his voice on topics like the administration and various causes, tried to get people to sign on board with guys like Ellison, etc... Usual stuff, really. I’ve seen a lot of push back from some pretty vocal former supporters of his.

The sad thing is, I’m already seeing the Bernie Bros turning against Sanders himself all over the place, calling him a “sell out” and all the usual garbage. Fuck them with a rusty pipe covered in shit.

Separated at birth?

It’s fucked up that they’ve been so focused on “winning” and little else, that they don’t seem to know what a Pyrrhic victory is. Or they don’t care. Fuck, I need a drink.

You have no idea how many people have gone off on me with something along the lines of, “you were mean to me, so I voted for Trump to piss you off!”

That’s pretty much it in a nutshell, really. Everything they do and say is based on pretty basic conman/cult leader techniques.

It’s just incredibly fucked up and monstrous. I hate these people so much.

That’s the worst part. It’s like a fucking cult. The assholes at the top telling everyone beneath them that if they work just a liiiiiitle bit harder, maybe wish a liiiiiiitle bit more, then everything will work out, and they fucking buy it. They think that’s how things work in the real world. What they don’t know is

I get furious every time I see that rat-faced Bucky Beaver looking mother fucker. God damn, he’s worthless, and he fucking knows it.

That’s all the poor are to him, right? Fucking animals who need to be corralled and disciplined. Fuck them. They didn’t pray enough or work hard enough for the dollars to rain down on high like magic. If you’re wealthy though? Well, then you fucking earned every extra break that can be given. God chose you, right?

I figure the fix had been in since day one. I’m curious how much they think they can get out of him before they feel he’s more trouble than it’s worth, and also if they think it’s even worth it. I honestly don’t know how much damage another Nixon-styled fallout will hurt the party at this point. Then again, this is

Used to respect Van Jones.

That’s pretty kickass, there. Real shame the official one is DOA, it seems. :( Good luck with yours!

You don’t understand. They vote with their heart, and that’s always the best thing to do! They have a clear conscience, and that’s the most important thing in the end, right?

Oh wow... That’s pretty fucking pathetic.

heh I figured I might have to do some explaining here or there with it. I’ve been a lifelong comic fan, so I’ve been pretty hooked on a lot of the Marvel stuff, especially the Netflix shows they’ve had coming out.