That’s what I don’t get about this. If they never got married, how in the hell did she ever stay in Avengers Tower?
That’s what I don’t get about this. If they never got married, how in the hell did she ever stay in Avengers Tower?
You should stick around more. EB/Gamestop are both notorious for shady business stunts, bad hiring practices, and pushing employees to generate simply unreasonable levels of sales outside of games. They’ve both created some very toxic environments for both customers and employees, and have more than earned their bad…
Fuck. Hideo must be a huge fan of the Clone Saga. Damn, I’m glad I got out of this series back in part 2. Fuck.
If I was Jack here, my parents would be at the top of the “fuck over” list.
He’s also currently given up the mantle and is literally working with his own two hands to improve life on the street for people in less violent ways.
Yup! lol They released a doll/action figure of her with boobs you can mash around, for some ungodly reason.
Seriously, I’m just like, “whaaaa?” when I saw that. lol
I still want to know who’s bright idea it was to give the doll squishable boobs.
God damnit, Hideo. I used to enjoy these games, but now every time I hear about the story, characters, etc... for the latest MGS, I save 60 bucks.
heh Nice. It reminds me of this guy that used to enter the Masquerade contest at Dragon Con every year for about 8 years in a row in the same Goku costume (which was nice and all), but then get mad when he didn’t win.
Holy shit. A Man O’ War game? What’s next, Necromunda? Battlefleet Gothic? Damn.
That sounds like something that would happen in Archer. heh
Yeah, I came and went with the series, but I can’t deny that the man had an absolute love and passion for what he did. Konami really is losing out here.
hah! Yeah, that brings back memories (all bad, of course). We had several managers overlook obvious theft (eating food from the deli, fruit from grocery, etc...) with the excuse that the people would make up for it with other sales. Riiiiight...
They’ve always been ahead of the other retailers, when it comes to stuff like that. heh
This was awhile ago, for sure. So... maybe 6 years ago? I thought I had heard about some sort of policy change, but it’s kind of weird with the stores. You would be surprised how many times a change like that hits, and the home office “forgets” to actually inform all the employees, so we get left with trying to fix…
Not surprised by that at all. My store never pulled anything shifty like with the tablets, but we did have amazingly terrible problems with actually getting things in. Our Black Friday flier would advertise a hundred of a particular TV, and we would get in maybe 50 sometimes. I fucking hated working those days.
It’s pretty common for a lot of stores (the ones I’ve dealt with, at least) to not price match stuff on their own website. There’s a variety of reasons, but most seem to boil down to the physical site not having to fuss with shipping, or something.
Awful House? Ohh, I see what you did there. Ohhhh... Don’t have kids.
How did no one call the cops on this crazy customer? Fuck.