
I don't know. I'm kind of torn on this one, as the point of the article seems to be "this is the only figure of Leia available," not "this is the only Leia available in this line." Toys R US does clearly offer other Leias, but the only one for this particular line (currently) is the slave one.

That's a typo. They meant "dope," I believe.

It's a perfectly cromulant paragraph!

Heh sadly, I have never visited the great white north, though I would like to someday.

Mm... sweet sweet antihistamine bliss...

Wait... utter nonsense written in a potentially manic episode... Mom?

Lame... I can't remember the last time I had Hardee's (I live in the south), but I can see that being real good comfort food for when you're sick.

As someone that maybe loves a good burger a little too much... just what the hell? Fuckers.

Thanks. My wife seems to have liked the joke. I love her so much. Lol

Yeah, that was a bad one. I apologize...

I wouldn't mind interning her in my bedroom. Ouch... even I think that was a bad one.

D+ due to lack of originality or real effort.

"Tell me about the rabbits again, George."

Them bitches, amiright?

I especially love the smile on the d-bag's face while he's passing her/flipping the bird. That guy was just enjoying himself by being a dick. Totally.

Super cereal.

And he is clearly driving recklessly and breaking the law... So, yeah. I think that trumps "courtesy," which it doesn't sound like she violated based on current information. She was driving on a slick road and was planning on turning left. That guy can fuck off.

You seem to be reaching for straws in trying to lay as little blame as possible on the hillbilly in the truck.

It's also for making left turns...