The celebrated genius added, “He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”
The celebrated genius added, “He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”
No, but there is such a thing as terrible people getting elected because of indifferent voters.
“ALS is for losers”
Trump’s rebuttal
I’m worried though that the vitriol this movie’s getting will hit its box office. Here’ to hoping for hate watching!
Dan Akroyd loved the remake and is on record saying so. The Nerdist comment section has decided that he is only saying he likes it for money.
Here you go:…
If someone told me that something I made when they were already adults ruined their childhood, I’d probably have to stop myself from telling them that if that’s all it took to ruin their childhood, it wasn’t much of a childhood to begin with.
Booing the Civil Rights Act should be much more disconcerting to your “party” than a bearded dude in a black thong.
No article about how Gov. Johnson was booed when he said he would have signed the Civil Rights Act? He was also booed because he won't abolish drivers licenses/tests.
To be fair, that is the Libertarian party’s basic political platform in a nutshell.
“Those who download and possess child pornography create a market that causes more children to be harmed,” U.S. Attorney Eileen M. Decker said in a statement. “Young victims are harmed every time an image is generated, every time it is distributed, and every time it is viewed.”
Being an atheist means that Sunday morning grocery shopping is the shit.
Welcome brother atheist. There’s only one snag... we don’t get that many holidays...
Anyone else suspect that, somewhere, Rowling is like, “Oh shit, I never thought about that before... I mean, yup, that’s it! Good for you! You guys figured it out! I was eventually going to tweet it, anyway.”
If the toughness part is included in that it’s not a bad thing. Personally I’ve always found “tough” girls easier to relate to. They set clear boundaries, they communicate in a direct manner and they generally don’t give you feeling that you’re walking on eggshells.
That’s cool. I’m going to see this movie because I have such a crush on Kate McKinnon.