Assigning an Evangelical Christian to deliver the opening prayer at the Jerusalem embassy opening ceremony notwithstanding, I’m confused by people’s shock to the notion that some religions’ doctrines of salvation are in conflict with each other.
Assigning an Evangelical Christian to deliver the opening prayer at the Jerusalem embassy opening ceremony notwithstanding, I’m confused by people’s shock to the notion that some religions’ doctrines of salvation are in conflict with each other.
Nixon won’t win governorship.
I don’t know why Reid even feels the need to lie. She owned up to past comments about Charlie Crist - no one who’s ever held past bigoted views has made just a *few* comments *that one time.* She could easily reiterate that she’s changed, and that they were made during a time when she didn’t know better. I’m not even…
There’s a real-life celebrity sex cult that involves human trafficking, slavery, branding, etc... and Roseanne Barr comments nowhere on this.
Seriously, inadvertently making the mid-terms a referendum on the general from two years ago is the bare minimum Democrats need to do to have any chance of taking back the House and possibly the Senate, and the DNC is advertently making it a referendum. We truly deserve Trump.
I’m awe-struck by how mind-numbingly fucking dumb the DNC is.
This is someone who made his adolescent children stay home on weekends for Family Fun Nights.
Tom Nichols suggested that democrats apply the Buckley Rule to these elections and I totally agree with him.
This sounds a little like a reboot of In Treatment, which was absolutely stellar.
I’m as white as my European mother, but know for a fact that I’m also of some Native descent from my father’s side (I even met Pola when she was still alive). She was molested by the man to whom her family sold her, and that’s how I’m here. This isn’t family lore. Think twice before ignorantly taking pride in your…
Non-snarky question: what exactly did you hope democrats would accomplish with the shutdown? Let’s apply the rule of “keep it simple, stupid” (KISS): republicans have control of the House and the Senate, and were disciplined in their messaging that democrats were depriving children of CHIP, whereas democrats went back…
The comments here are an ideal microcosm of tribalism corrosiveness.
Plus, The Rapist’s dick literally melts off.
If only those illegal Haitians hadn’t stolen all the steel mill jobs...
Know what’s fun? Reading Cernovich’s Reddit AMA and Milo’s editor comments in tandem, over hot cocoa and chocolate.
Meanwhile, we should appreciate this newest piece from Max Boot. It’s a bare minimum start, but one nonetheless.