Five words regarding the barrier: A Mexican on a Cat. Info Wars listeners, interpret that however you will.
Five words regarding the barrier: A Mexican on a Cat. Info Wars listeners, interpret that however you will.
This is a case of “Hidden Fences” being inoffensive and correct.
Vaginas are three to four inches deep, so it’s not a small penis, April!
I mean, it’s not even aesthetically pleasing. By the way...
I have so few straight crushes, and Susan is begging to be stricken off the list.
Trump’s proposed healthcare bill would slash public access to illness prevention programs as well as chronic disease self-management programs, you ignorant, sanctimonious, heartless fucking dolt! Fuck!
Forgive me my fellow queers, but fuck this faggot.
Baio’s coldness is low, but could we please stop equating small penises with immoral character? I have a small penis, and have plenty of flaws and insecurities unrelated to being poorly endowed. Calling someone a P.O.S. is sufficient enough.
I’m under-endowed and have a disproportionately huge ass. Could that be considered a biological correlation?
“I try and tell myself it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. If you tell yourself it doesn’t matter, like you do shows, you do this, you do that and then you have earthquakes in India where 400,000 people get killed. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. That’s how I handle stress.”- Donald Trump, Larry King Live (2004)
Plus, Dr. Evil became President of the United States. WHOA!
Jesse Watters: “get chinky wid it lol” (chain mail, unfortunately)
Tucker Carlson: “I’m Bill O’Reilly now, so you have to respect me!”
Sean Hannity: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way!” (unloops belt)
Stop writing about Sanders already. He and his supporters were all Rage Against the “Machine” hype. Send this message to Tom Perez too please.
Some hard-right folks make the weirdest enemies.
The Spin Zone has become perihelion for O’Reilly.
About fuckin’ time we got some jingo dingo!
It’s been WWE since 2003, NEWB.