
Chappelle’s early 2000's performances had never been angry to begin with. And lest we forget, Chappelle has since been married with children in a small town in Ohio. I’ve seen that same look in his eyes in my dad’s: the man’s found peace. He’s not dispassionate, just peaceful with himself and life.

Should we even continue watching Veep?

“Trump got annoyed,” the source told Yahoo News.

From the header image., I thought the countries were made to look like cum shots...

We can make an educated guess who both Taylor and Whaling supported.

It’s incredibly refreshing to find someone who shares this opinion, Stassa. I remember an interview with Henry Rollins years ago, where he was asked whether only art (not shitting you) can “change the world.” He not only said it doesn’t, but followed it with saying that VOTING is the only way change is made.

2016 just has to claw its talons in deeper.

It’s actually original and fantastic. You’re missing out.

Yes, an Asian actor should have been cast as Major. But we have Johansson, and she’ll be great. Seriously, have you seen Her or Under the Skin? Johansson’s vocal interplay alone with Phoenix carried the movie, and she rocked her performance as a non-human being. Johansson’s on familiar ground here, and she gets to do

Ahem! I have an uncircumcised penis, and I voted for Clinton on the fourteenth of last month. Cut a prick (no pun intended) some slack.

I’m not reading too much into this because the punchline analogy about Halle Berry farting makes the joke well worth it.

Tarentino has said he’s interested in writing novels and film critique in his retirement-from-directing years... he’d KILL at both!

Now Donald will have matching Lando figures. How weird will it be for him playing a character his mom wants to bang?

How far does an erect penis have to go into another man’s mouth before it’s full-blown gay? Pun intended.

Season six’s finale sucked. But could we please move on? Why have few people pointed out that we spun ourselves into a frenzy over it, and that so we had a part in it? Seriously, let’s move on.

You’re jumping the gun, Clover. Negan was introduced in the last minutes of last season’s finale, and this is his first full-length episode (and subsequently Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s first credits billing). Just let the fire burn for now: Negan will easily stick around for at least two seasons.

Looks like another couch-cuddle addictdelicacy. I’ll record it, but wait for reviews before deciding whether to watch it.

Trump’s a criminally filled bucket of bullpiss, candy corn, and used, hypodermic needles. We get it.

Many believe that Hillary Clinton is covering up the rape allegations against her husband, making her equally responsible.