
To be brutally honest, you’re being bitchy. Reusing the gym example, there’s been numerous incidents of people being asked to leave Planet Fitness gyms because their physiques intimidated less fit members. Yeah, working out to attain and retain gains isn’t the same as being a naturally well-endowed woman. But the

While Lively’s caption is most likely a nod to Sir Mix-A-Lot’s bar-mitzvah staple “Baby Got Back,” which includes lyrics that match Lively’s caption, it’s still problematic. In the end, it touts a diametrical opposition: that Los Angeles can be equated to elegance and/or beauty (read: whiteness), and that Oakland is

You’re right, the article was edited.

Except Blake herself isn’t comparing herself to anyone but the amply-curved women Sir Mix-A-Lot likes. And unless that dress is just really flattering, I have to agree with her self-assessment.

She’s a woman who’s proud of her big ass. This goes without saying that her words are song lyrics from “Baby Got Back.”

Not to mention that this character motivation assumes that men are inherently violent and doesn’t address male violence as a chronic social illness. It becomes self-fulfilling too; while not every man is dangerous, I’d tell every woman who asks that men shouldn’t be 100% trusted.

Republicans and some Democrats have been saying this shit for how long now? Just another day. But seriously, it’s a shame that many young people around my age won’t get to truthfully say that they participated in electing our first woman president. With all the criticisms she’s gotten (some fair, some not), she’ll

God!, why do I have to be attracted to Azealia? I think Banks’ “Harlem Shake” remix video is what did it for me. *shivers*

Are there clubs for lower-class students to join? If not, make them. And ask Harvard to cut-off undergrad scholarship nominations at a certain income level. It’d catch a lot of heat and probably wouldn’t pass, but the problem here doesn’t seem to do with women, it’s with rich vs. poor students, as usual.

Let’s consider what you just wrote: “...doing away with the privilege attached to exclusive clubs.”

So... nobody is offering a solution? I understand this is complicated, but eliminating these restrictions would just re-sanction discrimination, right?

I don’t even remember the last time I watched Superbad. In the bigger scheme of things, gay jokes don’t really bother me all that much, and the ones in Deadpool weren’t half bad. Just hammer politicians into legislating equal protection rights for GSD people into law, and I’m all good.

I guess reality shows don’t know what’s healthy after all.

As a lifelong pro-wrestling geek, Kirk Cameron has now given me a good reason to finally use this gif.

May the end of this cycle be a message to Sanders and his more vocal advocates: don’t tell us to feel the Bern if you can’t take the heat.

We’re with you, Hillary.

Man!, her angle with Guerrero was so funny - anyone who remembers it will tell you that they had great, organic chemistry.

Thanks for the music, Prince.

Damn it, this sucks.

In fairness, a nineteen year-old named Jack Mehoff is the closest manifestation of the Trump supporter mindset to date.