Meat Helmet

Black and female.... NBC probably only saw an empty podium

Ha ha ha! Yeah, black people are really under represented in sports... especially in America, where they can barely make ends meet and no one gives them respect.

Really. You are such a moron.

Can someone explain why this comment has so many stars?

I’m sorry but Sandra Bullock won’t personally cause me to buy a ticket to see her if she does the uptight neurotic thing like in the heat, proposal, miss congeniality..... And then what exactly is her vibe in this? Ms. Cool like The Blind Side? I guess that’d make her Clooney or Pitt’s character. I dunno, I don’t buy

So, why should other people be obligated to go a movie YOU LIKE?

I think you drastically over-estimated the power of neckbeards... they didn’t keep people from seeing it. The fact that it was a very average remake that no one asked for kept people from seeing it.

You know what’s funny about your statement, you’re blaming the wrong people. You know how a movie makes money; with a large audience and repeat viewing. 1. A large audience. Taking out the ‘misogynist fucking neckbeards’, women make up about 50% or more of this country. If females from 8 to 80 went to see this movie,

If word of mouth was that the movie is great (which it isn’t, it’s mediocre), then the movie would have gotten legs, which it didn’t. The only reasonable pitch to market an Ocean’s remake would be to sell it as a great heist movie (provided it is a great movie) instead of making this yet another litmus test on

I think your faithlessness in balls is misplaced. Balls are important for making more boob havers. That said, ball havers can be shitbag fag-o-tronic liberals so there’s that

Just wondering one thing. Does that mean that women fell for all the negative press. If you took out the neckbeards and it was just women with the purchasing power, doesn’t that mean the take should have been much higher? What are the percentage of neckbeards in comparison to the rest of the general audience?

How about this...make a movie that people want to see? I know, absurd and all...but Hollywood continues to make the same dumb mistakes over and over...Ghostbusters failure was predictable from day 1...if your hook is “now with women!” you’ve already failed because a hook is not why people go to movies...Just make a

I should win the Powerball by 2020. I want to win the Powerball by 2020.

I made this for you:

Fucking brilliant.

I like both these guys too much to want to believe any of this, so I am going with the third storyline:

Looks like Rock scolded his younger dopey brother for being a dick, that’s it.