Being white is AWESOME!
Who is that?
You just proved my fucking point dummy, all of the people coming to Ellis Island weren’t looking for better paydays, they WANTED to become American citizens and live here, NOT a quick illegal cash grab until shit got better back home. THAT’S why many Americans resent people covering their vehicles in foreign flags and…
Right, because when someone mentions “blatant sexism and racism” in a form of music, most everyone IMMEDIATELY thinks of country music, HAHAHA!!! And what the fuck does someone that supports a political candidate have to do with their music? This artist doesn’t discuss politics in his songs, so why bring up lyrics in…
Rap is a form of music just like country, rappers appear on country songs and BOTH have sexism and racism...but one has far more of which the OP implies that it is country. Christ a good 80%+ of rap music has one of those elements! You act like I mentioned rap in an article about Pokemon.
“There is a lot of blatant sexism and racism”...there is FAR MORE in rap, it’s not even remotely close yet people are giving this guy shit for complaining about having to be PC...and these replies prove just that.
So, again, now you’re admitting he does garner favors, despite what you initially said? Also, explain to me how encouraging Russia to hack a presidential candidate doesn’t in some way endanger national security, what?
Give him the chair...Fried rice.
Garnering favors and getting people killed/endangering national security are two vastly different things. People that deal with Trump know exactly what they are getting, the same can’t be said for ANY politicians.
...and there isn’t in rap?!
Because Hillary and other politicians THROUGHOUT HISTORY have shown they will completely change their stance on something only to garner votes of favoritismin matters that interest only themselves. Trump doesn’t need to give a shit what people think, he’ll still be worth billions when all is said and done and all of…
By “slaying” you mean she should be put down, right? Because that looks like a dude in a wig.
At this point, I just don’t get it. Like, I really don’t give a f—k, so I’ll do whatever to protect my husband.
Could that forehead get any bigger?
Will her menstral cycle cloud her ability to govern as president?