Meat Helmet

Oh, I’m “avoiding the issue by pretending that people are only criticizing my dog”??


...and yet I bet you can’t find a single fucking article about any of those other breeds being eliminated, right?

Great, so people that don’t have dogs are now complaining about those that do? Don’t you dipshits have better things to whine about? Shouldn’t you be over on Jezebel?

Who’s “we”? You have a mouse in your pocket? because so far I only see two posters that have never owned this breed whining about others that do.

...and yet they are acknowledged by the AKC, and are one of the best breeds for children and seniors. Nothing selfish about wanting a pet that is good with other animals and children. End of story.

I’ve owned nine and they don’t, my vet is a fucking bulldog breeder for crissakes!!! She doesn’t even need the money because she already has a great paying job. Again dummy, they live 8-10 years:

Oh shut the fuck up Chrissy. Yeah, Labs are basic dogs it’s not like people see one and go “OMG look at that dog!”. They’re a fucking dime a dozen like Camrys.

No, shit for brains I used PERSONAL ANECDOTE because I’ve actually owned not one or two, but NINE of this fucking breed! Bulldogs live only two years less on avg. than fucking Labs who are universally known to have hereditary hip dysplasia but that’s a non-issue dumbass? What about the ten other well known breeds that

I’ve already commented over a dozen time with links showing TEN OTHER BREEDS that live far shorter lives, now why would that be if not health-related genius?? Why wouldn’t Ibe proud of owning one of the most popular and well-loved dogs that is great with children and other pets? So I’m better off getting a pitbull

Nope, 9 dogs from 6 different litters tells me that the author exaggerates their issues, esp. since their lifespan is 8-10 NOT 6-8 and a simple Google search bears that out overwhelmingly.

I made fun of the fact that they are so common like Camrys...not their looks dumbass.

They look like aliens, hence why one was used in Men in Black.

So you want to hug other men?

Do you even know how old your mutt is? Have you tried cutting open it’s leg and counting the rings? Or can you not get too close before it starts pissing himself because it’s other owner used to fuck it?

Again, there is no “we”, it’s only YOU losing this argument. Maybe instead of fighting a losing battle you could try and figure out what other pieces of dog yours is made up of, maybe “hot, corn, Devil”?

Wrong, you stated I created a straw man by providing evidence of 10 more popular breeds that live shorter lives because of their genetic makeup which you conveniently ignored, then made a bunch of claims you couldn’t support and now the ragequit...

They don’t have miserable lives, there are 10 other more popular breeds that don’t even live as long, should they be exterminated also?? Labs by default are beset with hip dysplasia, ranking only behind Shephards yet are one of the most popular breeds, should they be put down? A Lab’s lifespan is only 10-12 years,

Yeah, you come across as a regular Cary Grant, singling out certain dogs as ugly, while owning a mutt of all things! Why would anyone bother being nice to you? You get called out on your bullshit, backtrack then goalpost move to dismal results. Then you lamely try to insult me, only to revert back to “whaaaaa, why is

Just grab the one you have on your nightstand.