Meat Helmet

and had to back away from the sheer force of bullshit.

...and yet here you are downplaying it for men:

Don’t care, as do most other posters about you...

Why would you bring that up when it’s YOU making light of how you’re “...not going to pretend like what happens in that video and what happened in this article occur with the same level of frequency”. I mean, you make zero sense doing so and actually are countering your very own point! You know why men never report

What the hell are you yammering about??! YOU specifically asked ME what my point was as to him being safe in a gated community. He wasn’t sitting on his front steps, he had just come back from a store purchasing Skittles and watermelon Arizona fruit juice cocktail (per court records). And what does that have to do

I did dummy, you are trying to imply in one instance that male domestic violence is very real, while on the other hand pooh poohing a video showing sexual harassment in an article ABOUT sexual harassment as a fucking unicorn. I’m getting dizzy from all your spin, but it’s hilarious how you think you’re right in this

They have the highest percentage of poverty, highest percentage of unemployment, highest percentage of public housing:

No he’s pointing out the hypocrisy of it hence the “even though you may qualify it as ‘flirting’!! And you then cement my case with “elatively few times where the roles are reverse” despite only minutes earlier saying “did you know that men can be victims of domestic abuse, too?!”

Good, so pay attention: the reason he wasn’t safe, was living with his father and not in his previous residence was because he HAD JUST BEEN SUSPENDED FOR THE THIRD TIME IN SEVEN MONTHS!! This time it was for two weeks! Pretty sure you are familiar with the case and why that was? I bet you didn’t even realize

Did you miss the word ASSUMPTION??! Funny you have no comment to the other poster that provided a video doing the EXACT SAME THING! I love the faux outrage, though...

No, you excused it with “that one time” as if just because the poster provided actual VIDEO evidence, it is highly rare let alone not ‘real’ otherwise you wouldn’t have stated that. Secondly you basically chastised them for posting it, as if you’re disappointed in them for downplaying the subject when that’s EXACTLY that video wasn’t real sexual harassment? So the whole thing was a joke, they didn’t actually find him attractive or want him to undress? And what does “that one time” even mean? That guys always do this, or that probably most guys don’t even bother mentioning it happening because they think nothing of it when

My assumption is because the interviewer is a young fairly attractive female...which makes up a lot of their “fans” backstage, and like many musicians of their type simply expect them to throw themselves at them.

I take it you’ve never heard of or watched “The Bachelor”?

You’re better than me, I usually urinate on them to mark my territory.

No, don’t you understand...they were only JOKING, hahaha! See when women do it guys should be flattered otherwise they’re “pussies”, because every guy knows how hard it is for women in general to “break the ice” and hit on guys! But when guys do it they’re predators or only thinking with their penises!

Dude c’mon, the Ivy league hasn’t won a football championship in over 80 years. The Ivy league hasn’t really been all that relevant in either basketball, hockey or even baseball for that matter, only winning here or there.

“Best interest”?? Trayvon’s mother is the one that actually sent him to live with his dad because he was too much for her to handle!! No one even realizes he lived with his stepmom Alicia Stanley from the age of 2 to 14, yet this Sybrina suddenly is the face of a movement.

Most are, what’s your point? So a guy points this out and it’s racist, but if he said that blacks were doing great you’d be on here screaming how out of touch he is...because most are poor and living in housing projects!

Wrong, there had been multiple break-ins in that gated community, one foiled by a resident and two others with witnesses stating it was young black males...hence the suspicion. Not to mention he had just been sent there by his mother days earlier when he “became too much to deal with”.