This is damn impressive, but I can’t hear Baker Street without thinking of Rick and Morty.
This is damn impressive, but I can’t hear Baker Street without thinking of Rick and Morty.
You can read whatever you like, more power to ya
I hope this has been mentioned around here before, and I don’t expect anyone cares, but historically “man” was a gender-neutral term (back in the middle ages the prefixes wer- and wif- specified “male man” or “female man”). This has a legacy in our modern language in the same sort of way that words that came to us…
Because the sky belongs to a woman, obviously. It’s No Man’s Sky. Women are still eligible for sky ownership.
Was it planet EDGY?!
I can’t take it anymore. Please... enough with the damn Pokemon.
Snake Eater? Until I die.
I’d say publically displaying your incorrect understanding of what words mean and then going full-blown smug atheist on people is far stupider but to each his own.
Muslim here, and fully fluent in Arabic. You are factually incorrect. Want a participation cookie for getting your little Islamophobic comment posted?
I assume you are fluent in Arabic and speak from some position of authority on what Jihad does or doesn’t mean? Because a quick google search says that in Arabic, Jihad means “striving, applying oneself, struggling, or persevering”. It’s only in a fundamentalist context that Jihad means to commit war against…
White privilege
I can’t say that until I see a new Commander Keen!
Consoles will never die, sheep
Steiner is only 33?! 4 months older than me?! But... But he looks so old! He SEEMED so old!
I like Splinter Cell.
Yeah, but Tony Hawk Pro Skater is basically just Skyrim with skateboards.
Meh, it’s about like our video games like Battlefield or COD where we go and fight some shadowy threat in some nameless Asiatic country, but it’s pretty well implied that it is China when they’re screaming at you in Mandarin. Same goes for any random middle eastern country...
Fuck yeah, 360° Noscope!
Get some Mountain…
“The Russians got absolutely roflstomped by the Chechen’s in Grozny because they sent MBTs in without infantry support.”
Whatever druggy.