You’re too wise to be your age. I applaud you.
You’re too wise to be your age. I applaud you.
Going short is a wonderful feeling! You will be beautiful with it, no matter your size. It’s a confidence thing.
Thank you for your post. I wish this was the voice that pro-life people could hear. And I do hope you’re feeling better!
I pussied out of getting an IUD. I was dead set on it and then spoke to a few people who had gone through the procedure. I’ll stick to the ring, even though it’s a pain in the arse. Hope you feel better soon! Contact your doctor if you feel anything weird, imo.
Sorry you’ve had a shitty week :/ I always tear up at that Sia-Breathe Me song. As for films, any movie with an animal that is in distress or dies does me in. Woof.
Love this so hard. This is my Friday at 5pm feel.
Love it! I’m turning 28 soon and would really like a watch. I’ve always hated them, but realized that I am almost at the point where I need one for my job, etc. I don’t know where to start though...
Heart is warmed.
I really, really want to read the collection of poop/vom stories. My desire increases the more times you type it out.
As an American who just attempted to shop at TopShop today, I have to agree. The mannequins are stick thin. Normally, I try not to care, but when you come from wearing a 4/6 (or a ‘small’) to wearing an 8 in tops and a 10/12 in trousers/’s disheartening. Not only do you see this tiny, ideal human shape…
Oh gad I can’t even keep ‘em back now.
This makes me wonder if I stumbled across my teen sister on Jez. Though she’s far too stupid to know anything about LotR. You should try xanax.
Sounds like a lot of fuckin’ effort...and for what?
Lord of the Lesbians is my favorite thing of ever.
I do BJJ and currently rock a white gi. You have no idea how many times I have died inside wondering if I had started mid-roll on my partner. If these were comfy enough to wear for an hour just to quell my bloody anxiety (and protect those sweaty dudes on the off chance I did start), then I’m not above buying a pair.
Holy shit I had this experience as well and it was horrific. During my next trip, my friends thought it would be fun to pile into the bathroom, turn the lights off, and take photos with the flash on. Whole lotta nope.
I would husband him up so hard.
I mean, absolutely yes.
I tried when I was 6. My sister had just been born (diva was born on my birthday, six years apart) and all she did was cry. My fluffy earmuffs didn’t drown her out, so I packed my shit and got to the front door. When I opened it, I realized it was too dark for my scared ass, so I casually slunk back to my room. I’m…