Kony Tornheiser

Yes, there are some guys in the world who have higher vertical than most guys in the NBA. So? They say Ball has about a 42 inch vertical. So do some guys in the league. Regardless, the dunk you posted isn’t that impressive. It’s a good dunk.

His head isn’t ‘above’ the rim. The camera is behind and below him. It’s up at the rim level.

This is all it takes to get on Deadspin?! This is my move! I’ve been doing it for years. Easiest way to:

Zero guys that can do THAT dunk? You’re out of your mind. That dunk was *okay.* Strange you picked that one.

I’m not doubting he has shitty opinions. Just had no idea he did.

I actually had no idea Bogut shared shitty opinions with any number of other oblivious white dudes, due to the fact that he’s been teammates with diverse groups of dudes for a long time.

I’m a Cardinals fan, and Beltran in the ‘04 and ‘06 playoffs was as good as any hitter I’ve ever seen. You just knew he was going to hit the ball hard every time he came up. I think he broke the record for most home runs in a series in that ‘04 NLCS with the Astros, but I’m too lazy to look it up.


I’ve watched every Gurley carry this season, and while there is no doubt the Rams’ run blocking has been piss-poor, he’s definitely not free of blame. It’s likely a bit of a chicken/egg type scenario, but he looks incredibly tentative when hitting the hole. He looks like he’s always waiting to be hit behind the line,

Or Lebron, like most sane people, realizes that a Trump presidency would be a disaster of epic proportions.

That’s not what he said. We don’t know how long the carryover losses went.

It’s not a tax ‘break.’ It’s recognizing that a person is still $X amount in the red when it comes to their taxable income. The fact one has other holdings doesn’t change that.

I hate Trump, but in what way is this shady or immoral? That’s crazy.

I hate Trump but it’s strange to me that people think this is that large of a deal. Offsetting future income with current income losses isn’t ‘cheating’ and is actually a rule that makes a lot of sense.

Interesting rebuttal.

Thank you. The authoritarian left can be incredibly illiberal at times.

Except Noah is a pacifist, which means he is opposed to all wars, whether they are just or not, which is why absolute pacifism is idiotic, obviously.

That’s really an astoundingly stupid and crazy thing to say as a response to that comment, and I always thought you were one of the more level-headed people around here. My god.

Your clarification that it ‘isn’t a photo,’ as if there is any difference of a photo, and a still from a video.

The mental gymnastics of people in this thread is really something to behold.