Kony Tornheiser

Smush Parker is a head coach in the D-League. Not sure if that counts, though.

This seems like a very principled stance you got here.

Considering the Cardinals are right in the playoff hunt, I actually don’t think their fans are getting ‘angrier and angrier.’

“No, I was insulting fools who love to use “SJW”-speak to gaslight people.”

I don’t claim to be an incredible judge of character. As I said, your schtick is so transparent that it’s hard to believe everyone can’t see through it.

I don’t know what makes someone a Jezzie, but yes, anyone who can’t see through your transparent bullshit is missing something.

Your opinions, as far as you have any, are whatever allows you to feel the most righteous. You’re boring, dishonest, and awful, and the fact that so many people here don’t realize it says something in and of itself.

Sqarr knows that. He’s just a piece of shit who is obsessed with getting his comments starred on Jezebel. He’s really, really awful.

This is amazing.


Do you think it’s possible his lawsuit has merit? Can one believe that sexual assault is under-reported, and we live in a society that doesn’t do nearly enough to stop it while also believing it’s possible that a guy could be innocent of what he is accused, and therefore have a legitimate beef with the university?

Yeah, but people also use it as a code word for ‘entitled and testosterone-fueled bro,’ so it cuts both ways, no?

He was making a joke about how boring and unoriginal your comment was.

Nah, you were the first one, and you’re a fucking idiot.

His take is horrible, but...I agree with it.

You’re an idiot.

You’re an idiot.

Oh, man, I bet if Aaron Rodgers could read this comment right now, he’d be friggin’ crying from this burn. OUCH.

Yeah, Robby is clearly gay, and Jordan doesn’t even like her that much.