No. You don’t. Shut up, dummy.
No. You don’t. Shut up, dummy.
This is a clever and original post.
This comment is the dumbest one I’ve seen on Deadspin all year.
Shut the fuck up, nerd.
Let’s make out, in that case.
No. This is a matter of logic. You said ‘zones obviously hurt defense.’
Your second paragraph literally makes no sense.
1) This is idiotic if you really believe this, and I think this ends our conversation.
The NBA, talent-wise, is much, much deeper than it was in the 90s. There were about 10 foreign players in the league when Jordan won his last championship. There are over 100 now.
This comment of yours seems pretty coherent, actually.
It’s strange how much you insist on missing the point on the foreign-born player discussion. Talking about how many of them are ‘good’ is A) an arbitrary distinction, and B) irrelevant because regardless of how good they are, they’re still taking roster spots away from worse players.
First off, your point about there being only 5 ‘decent’ foreign players is absolutely ridiculous, but missing the point, regardless. I’m also not sure what you mean about taking out the guys under 34. The point is that the year Jordan retired, there were about 10 foreign players that played in the NBA. There are now…
The talent level is MUCH higher today than it was, if for no other reason than the foreign talent influx.
It’s actually become clear that you don't actually watch any basketball today.
You’re an idiot, and ‘handchecking’ is the extent of your knowledge on defense.
No, you’re just nostalgic and probably a little dumb.
I’m 33 and worshipped the Bulls as a youngster. Do you know there were ten foreign players in the league when Jordan won his last championship? Do you know there are now around 100 or so? It’s no contest. From a talent depth standpoint, it would be virtually impossible to argue the 90s were better.
Yes, I gave you actual answers. You insist on conspiracy theories. What’s really funny is that I have heard no additional hype as far as their prospects than I did the year before.
You’re boring.
Strongly disagree. The notion that homeownership is an absolute good (and the bigger, the better) is something deeply ingrained in our society. People like Dan Gilbert are absolutely not responsible for people overextending themselves, although credit is far too easy to obtain.