“Lol i bet cardinals fan think this is ‘crying the right wau!! lol” - probably some nerd here
1. That is not true, and definitely wasn’t true in early stages.
Thanks, Big Nibb.
I suppose I’m supposed to know who @pftcommenter is?
Who said it was?
Who said otherwise?
No disagreement from me. I thought it was crazy.
You seem like a pretty dumb guy.
They won the title last year, and won 73 games in a good conference this year.
Never would I have imagined in a million years that I’d actually feel kinda bad for the Warriors at any point this season. Yet here we are.
Yes, she’s phony, and would literally hold any stance if she thought it gave her a better chance of acquiring power. That’s not to dismiss sexism, but I mean, c’mon, young women strongly dislike her, too.
Brooks is wrong, and dumb for not discussing her gender more directly.
This is about the balls. Not the dick.
And that doesn’t even take into account defense.
No, they haven’t been.
Leaving aside ticket sales, I think that’s actually highly debatable. Without knowing anything about the composition of the team, and their respective history with injuries, LBJ is likely still the safer bet.
Better than him now? Sure. By a bit. Better than him as in the best player since Jordan? No. That’s still LBJ by a mile.
You’re not suggesting that was a travel, right?
Oh, christ, stop. Everything is not a conspiracy. The NBA doesn’t give a fuck about justifying stealing the Sonics. How would a Thunder ring do that, anyway? It doesn’t even make sense.