Kony Tornheiser

Again, lacking any other evidence regarding guilt, I disagree with you.

Humans, reason, and logic disagree with you.

If you feel like Yale expelling him proves that he raped her - great. The entire point of his suit is that this wasn’t the case. He could very well be wrong, but no one here knows that.

I never said it was that uncommon, only that lacking any other evidence outside of he said, she said, it’s evidence in his favor. That seems nearly impossible to dispute.

Lacking any other evidence outside of he said/she said, it absolutely is, whether you care to believe it is or not.

It’s very possible he raped her, but if the attorney’s statements are correct, and without any other evidence that we might be unaware of, while the fact she reached back out to him later that night doesn’t prove he didn’t rape her earlier, it’s at least a piece of evidence in his favor. Again, that’s without any

I agree that rape culture is a problem, but if the attorney’s statements are correct, and without any other evidence that we might be unaware of, while the fact she reached back out to him later that night doesn’t prove he didn’t rape her earlier, it’s at least a piece of evidence in his favor. Again, that’s without

While I agree that his facial hair sucks, this type of statement of reinforces his point in the lawsuit.

Except: What if he really didn’t rape here?

The ‘best player since Jordan’ is a bit much. LBJ played at an all-time level for ten years. Just starting to wane a little.

Is that not what the OP is doing? Commenters in yesterday’s thread did the same thing.

I’m a dude, but have had experiences in both Ubers and cabs that are uncomfortable in the sense that the driver creeped me out. I’m not saying that to equate my experiences to yours as a woman, but I completely understand if someone does not feel comfortable taking either one, particularly alone.

I can’t wrap my head around the reflexive attitude around here to simply shut down Uber.

Uber is superior in every way imaginable, and I’ve yet to see any evidence that Uber is more dangerous than a cab.

And here’s the thing: if a woman doesn’t feel comfortable taking an Uber alone, no one is in a position to tell her she’s wrong. I’m a dude, so fearing a sexual assault is something I’m privileged enough to not worry about, but I can’t understand people who are calling for it to be shut down.

Because it’s a good way to make money for drivers, and it’s an incredible service for users. Much, much, much better than taxis, which is why Uber is gaining such market share.

Huh? You think they’re cheering a theocracy? For fuck’s sake, they’re simply saying they’ve been able to help these women living in an Islamic theocracy. That’s more than most commenters on Jezebel can say, right?

You have link of any tech bros going crazy over this?

It’s superior to cabs in nearly every possible way that I can tell. My women friends feel the same way. This anti-Uber shit is very, very strange.

Why? Why in the hell would ‘call the Uber thing off.’ At this point, A) the level of problem isn’t clear, B) the idea that Uber is uniquely dangerous compared to cabs isn’t clear, and C) as long as no one is forced to take Uber, and Uber is upfront about their vetting process, why should anyone shut Uber down?