Kony Tornheiser

$1,000 is a lot of money to a lot of people. So, yes, it sucks she died, but I’m not surprised or disgusted that people were pissed about it.

I fully support unemployment benefits, and know exactly how they work, thanks.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, I know very well what it means. You attacked my character, not the substance of my argument.”

You don’t know what ad hominem means. I called you dishonest for arguing dishonestly. That’s not as hominem.

Who said otherwise?

I 100% believe in social safety nets.

There is absolutely zero I ‘don’t get,’ and never said ANYTHING about an economy being destroyed. Not even close. Not sure why you feel the need to be dishonest, but it’s telling, certainly.

A parent can stay home, or a parent can pay for child care. If they can’t afford either, they should do their best to refrain from having kids.

Oh, okay. So if an employee doesn’t show up for work, they should then receive unemployment?

You’re serious, aren’t you?

By forcing an employer to provide more leave, you are making the employer (and possibly other co-workers) pay for the leave. I thought I did answer it, or maybe I assumed it was clear.

If that’s the case, then why require it? If it’s an obvious benefit to a business, then we shouldn’t need any laws mandating it, right?

Whether something is ‘the most natural’ is irrelevant, and a dangerous argument to make.

I read it, but you’re still connecting things without evidence.

I’m in favor of single payer, so I can’t speak for people that aren’t. But covering healthcare for a child is different than guaranteeing additional leave for a parent that chooses to have a child.

I agree that children should be loved and cared for, but that’s a different discussion, and argument.

“So should we put a halt on births until all of the orphaned children are put in homes, and no longer in the care of the state?”

Sure, or more tax incentives.

I can’t speak to whether one ‘should’ have a child. I can only say that one shouldn’t expect others to pick up their slack if they make a decision to have a child.

This country has no shortage of people, and TONS of unwanted children. That explanation doesn’t wash.