Meatball Champion is the best dog name

Considering women face sexual inequalities like crazy, it should come as no surprise that WOC face police brutality on a level that I don’t see it at. The #BlackLivesMatter campaign is important, but it becomes limited in scope as it is focused on black males (but that should NOT be the only focus). Women face extreme

If you look behind Will Ferrel, you can see Gwen and Gavin sitting in the next row.

I wish Nikki would dump this joker already. He’s riding her coattails just like her ex.

Her nickname and this story warm my heart.

“WOC” is “women of colour.”

It’s important to me to get other black women to assert how important we are, how much WE, too, need to be protected and/or avenged. So often, I see other sistas talk about how they treat “our men” and how they fear for their sons when we are victimized by the system as well and our daughters could be the next Sandra,

To be clear - there’s a huge difference in the way white women & WOC are treated by cops.

Meek Mill needs to listen to Lauren Hill’s Lost Ones and just take it to heart that Drake has won this battle.

You know, I was OK with Meek Mill’s raps about shooting as many people in the head as possible, selling as much cocaine as possible, and fucking as many bitches and hos as possible, but his transphobia has really crossed the line.

How do you get Dairy Queened from a tournament?

As a member of the target audience, I disagree. We consider it a classic. No cult disclaimer needed.

Oh, that is a damn fine piece of news!

Thrilled to see Stephanie Mills as Aunt Em!

“ ‘Yo, Shanice, Imma let you do your thing but...”

My brain is singing “Like hoooooome...” over and over again...

Dammit, now I have ”Ease on Down the Road” stuck in my head, :-)

The music is forgettable? Okay...

Um...the music is great. What are you talking about?