Meatball Champion is the best dog name

They also have different taxing structures and a majority of the electorate agreeing on what social policy should be.

“the lower-paid workers who handle Netflix DVDs are not included in the company’s expanded paid leave program.”

Except the article as written does not answer the fundamental question as to why and how this can possibly be a legal thing. I think thats what he was asking.

Its ok.. he was just being a jerk. And maybe if the article was written better, you wouldnt have these questions about it?

Also, I’m glad to see she’s not letting her education get in the way of her ignorance.

This is the only reason why Carly Fiorina exists as a candidate in any capacity. It is literally so the Republican party can point to a woman who supports anti-woman policies and say , “SEE? My female friends say they don’t even want it!” It’s the same for Ben Carson. “My BLACK friend said he thinks ALL LIVES MATTER.”

That prancing ninnyhammer is about as bright as a black hole and twice as dense.

Wow, way to be a defensive prick. I can’t believe you’re getting upvotes for insulting a reader with a valid question just because you didn’t understand what they were asking about.

The video “Pantone Pixels,” published in 2011, was an independent art project that used a swath of colors to illustrate a picture of the creator’s parents. Last week, Vimeo took it down. Turns out it was too similar to “Pixels,” a 2015 movie starring Adam Sandler.

That’s still horrible. I get it “art” “free speech” “no ‘real crime’ committed” but that's sick.

It really needs to be called something else, calling it porn makes it sound taboo, but OK, we are talking about documentation of child sexual abuse. Not some cheeky mags under the bed.

I’m with you on the rage. I’m practically a pacifist. I capture bugs I see in my house and bring them outside because I don’t like killing them. But when I read stuff like this, I just want to cause this man so much physical pain. Like, beat him to within inches of death pain. I don’t know what that says about me and

images of girls as young as five being raped

Oh no, they’re into it. They have a strong sense of justice.

Money is a big one agreed. This is going to get a huge black audience because The Wiz is an iconic black show and she’s going to be surrounded by other famous black female stars. This would have been a huge showcase for her.

Yes, the USA does not have a “death to all burglars” policy on the books, yet.

I don't trust Nick Gordan either. He seems sketchy as hell.

If he killed her, he shouldn’t get away with it, and he shouldn’t receive her estate. That’s not just for her.

1. Actually Kylie’s birthday is on the 10th so technically she’s still 17.

The lawsuit also claims that after Brown’s overdose, Gordon placed her face-down in the tub. Us Weekly reports: “According to the lawsuit, she was unconscious, her mouth was swollen, and she had teeth hanging loosely from her mouth reportedly from Gordon’s punches.” No criminal charges have been filed against Gordon.