Meatball Champion is the best dog name

They also have different taxing structures and a majority of the electorate agreeing on what social policy should be.

“the lower-paid workers who handle Netflix DVDs are not included in the company’s expanded paid leave program.”

Except the article as written does not answer the fundamental question as to why and how this can possibly be a legal thing. I think thats what he was asking.

Its ok.. he was just being a jerk. And maybe if the article was written better, you wouldnt have these questions about it?

Also, I’m glad to see she’s not letting her education get in the way of her ignorance.

This is the only reason why Carly Fiorina exists as a candidate in any capacity. It is literally so the Republican party can point to a woman who supports anti-woman policies and say , “SEE? My female friends say they don’t even want it!” It’s the same for Ben Carson. “My BLACK friend said he thinks ALL LIVES MATTER.”

That prancing ninnyhammer is about as bright as a black hole and twice as dense.

Wow, way to be a defensive prick. I can’t believe you’re getting upvotes for insulting a reader with a valid question just because you didn’t understand what they were asking about.

The video “Pantone Pixels,” published in 2011, was an independent art project that used a swath of colors to illustrate a picture of the creator’s parents. Last week, Vimeo took it down. Turns out it was too similar to “Pixels,” a 2015 movie starring Adam Sandler.

I just got this mental image of emeral pulling an undercooked single serving cake out of an easybake oven and shouting “BAM!” Laughing to myself made my hangover hurt lol (ow)

My son was perfectly happy to play with pink legos and watch Dora until he found out those were ‘girl’ things. I’d tell him there’s no such thing, blah blah. Then when that didn’t work, we moved on to ‘who cares if someone calls it a girl thing?’ So Target helping me out here is greatly appreciated.

Agreed. Target can do the thing and then we can work on parents also learning to do it, becuase we do need that too. (sad story from a friend of mine, her son asked for an MLP toy, she got it, his dad got annoyed and point blank told his son MLP toys were only for girls and now the son’s iffy about playing with it

Good. Someone tell Carters.

Because culturally-reinforced exclusivity is bad.

As someone who was a kid in the 70s, it didn’t used to be a problem. Put the fashion dolls in one section, the action figures in another, but there is no need to specific label them as “for girls” or “for boys”, or festoon them in pink or blue. That’s what we have now, and it’s just silly. A toy is a toy. Kids will

Well then, let’s just give the fuck up. Right? If parents’ ideas about gender roles aren’t going to change, why bother trying?

Blue aisles and Pink aisles. Ugh, if those go away, I’ll be so damn happy.

I wanted an Easy Bake oven so freaking bad when I was six. But, you know, boys aren't allowed to like cooking until adulthood when some of them magically become badass chefs like Emril Lagase.

How will the childrens know proper gender roles?! Boys will learn to take care of babies! Girls will learn how to build things!

If he killed her, he shouldn’t get away with it, and he shouldn’t receive her estate. That’s not just for her.