meatbag von pussrocket

Uncertainty is putting it mildly. It was an embarrassing fiasco.

oh wow... tahts sad. When i was looking at buying it, it was still in good working order. This was, as i said, just a couple years after the movie was made.

I'm not much for airbags but thats some hot patina mated to some good 'merican 'go-fast' motor.

i nearly bought that car once. it was for sale a few years after the movie came out, which was filmed in Austin. I was living in San Antonio at the time and have wanted a 911 probably more than any other car ever. Of course i was just graduating HS and decided that though i could afford the payment, i wouldnt be able

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, i'm sorry you were born bilnd.

profitability aside, i dont see FB declining rapidly anytime soon. Over 50% is in the 34-64 age group and of the remainder only 10% are under 18. The cool kids can go wherever they want, but eventually they'll go to FB because adults dont want to have to change social circles every year or two.

actually their valuation is much higher than Amazon, but the bizzare thing is that Amazons P/E ratio is something like 180:1 and FB is expected to be about 100:1. Regardless, both are insane when compared to a normal company (average is like 14:1). Sure theres more to a stock than a P/E, but when the numbers are that

what the what?! i... i... i... uhhh... what in the.... why would... what does he... how does he...

i dont know if you noticed but the inspection sticker expired in 2001. I can only imagine the nightmare of getting this thing on the road again.

i WANT to like this car, but i just cant. in the photos we're seeing, the inspection sticker is good till 2001. Whats that all about? you teilling me this thing hasnt been on the road legally since America got paranoid about Muslims at airports? Also you want me to trailer it if its more than 100 miles away? even for

The Evil empireview of Microsoft was lost some time ago. If you've seen most of the products they've released in the past 5-ish years you'll see they're well developed, mature, robust and cleanly designed.

uhmmmm no, its under a mil.

Reverse psychology counter-trolling... i like it!

Sadly, it shouldnt be illegal, it not only reduces congestion but its also a lot safer for riders. Something like 30% of motorcycle accidents (not sure on the actual figure but i think tahts close) are bikers getting rear ended in traffic. If i can reduce the chances of getting killed by getting in front of traffic,

...and another

...and in Dakar

They did race the SEC in enduro racing...

There was a 190E that they developed for Group B but never used. You sure it was an SEC not an SLC? The SLC was pretty popular for Rally.

This is like the renaissance, only with higher RPMs and tighter tolerances. Wes, can we expect more HFL teamwork? Are you still doing HFL? whats the deal here? I read both so i *need* to know whats going on, man.

Man, i find it hard to believe but all this time, was it El Werto that was promoting a "two wheels bad" agenda? i mean, i've felt like i've had to closet my motorcycle love for fear of the jalopmob. I'm really glad to see posts like this one (and i'm looking forward to something about that Death Valley trip). to me