meatbag von pussrocket

...aaand let the misquoting begin. He didnt mention anything about price in that statement, only that the Kindle Fire wasnt of high enough quality that you'd want to do homework on it. And if you're in high school or college, hes right imo.

the question is, "should they?" the OP makes a good point, if theres a Wikipedia article for you, whats to prevent you from making exaggerated claims about your own talent, history, or awards?

from the tech demo they showed its just a camera floating on springs, theres nothing that would mess with depth perception.

Then get off the first world part of the internet.. here let me help

why post such negative and unhelpful comments? If you cant contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way, at least be humorous. Kaiser may not have had anything profoundly insightful to say, but it certainly had a lot more merit than your comment.

yeah but in this case, the software is (obviously of course) better

I'm prolly gonna sound like a pretentious jerk, but a good phlebotomist doesnt work off of what they can see, its done by feel. a big juicy fat vein that you can see is just gonna roll around or blow out on you. The trick is finding one that is well anchored which means its got some fatty tissue around it that keeps

Check, and mate. ;)

at the end of the day, the court of public opinion is what matters most. The US is a Mob Society in a planet of Mob Societies. :(

Good point, but it does raise a valid question: Is Due Process always necessary? Are there times when a legal trial should be foregone? Is summary execution ever just?

hahaha, point taken. Frankly i'm pretty averse to killing people, but i wouldnt fault anyone for doing away with those two.

Sorry, you're not likely to get any sympathy from... well, anyone really. Osama Bin Laden is pretty much the Hitler of our societys generation. Nice Ad-Hominem though.

you can also scroll to the bottom, or for that matter, use your 'home' and 'end' keys, thats what they're for

Cover yourself with awesome.

the green keeps her from crumbling. Its oxidization which is what happens when copper is exposed to air, the same way steel begins to rust, but also like a car thats been rusting quietly for 130 years, if you scrub away the corrosion it will just crumble.

or you can just sleep without sheets and aim a box fan ($15.00 tops) in your direction for some air circulation.

Do you know how much water is involved in making a sheet of paper? i mean even aside from all the water required to grow the tree, there is a lot that gets used in the manufacture of paper.

woah, new avatar

Despite living in a capitalist society, i can easily see that the market is not always right. Just because something is popular doesnt make it better.

respectfully, i disagree. WP7 and Win8 have the best UI i've ever used. i'm quite happy with my iPad and begrudgingly use an iPhone because its what i have now, but WP7 is Clean, crisp, fast, intuitive and beautiful. its all around amazeballs. I've also been able to play around with several builds of Win8 and its