
I live on an island and these things are everywhere. Fun fact, when cornered they become aggressive.

How much do you want to bet Simone is going to jump up like crazy in the baby name chart?

Fair. As I was backing out of the driveway to go to college my grandma waved for me to roll down the window and gave me some great advice, “Turn in your work on time. Have fun. Call your mama. And just for this first year, keep your snapper to yourself, if you know what I mean.”

Now playing

Good one. But it only takes the Silver. This is the Gold medal winner.

I unapologetically, unironically love slapstick. People falling down is one of my top 5 favorite things in the entire universe. That In N Out one is pure goddamn gold, and I can’t remember the last time I had such a hearty laugh. This is amazing.

So can we all agree that he must be a Brony, based on the fact that he has that pony’s quotes so readily available?

I feel like they should have put St Marks Pl instead...

I’m now going to have Shaggy’s “It Wasn’t Me” stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

I would respectfully suggest that understanding that nothing posted online is ever private is a more vital life skill than knowing how to correctly spell Ta-Nehisi Coates.

anyone want to take guesses on what crushed up pills luann did a line of before having drinks with bethanny?

Now that you mention it, where IS the law-abiding open-carry person who will shut this down?’s Walmart. A Texas Walmart. Where is the good guy with the gun? Because isn’t that why we have a second amendment?

“I am your father. Don’t make me destroy you.”

I’ll throw Eric Javits out there as a starting place.

I love this. Unexpectedly, I think I love her too? I’ve never watched her show, I won’t buy her app, but I get THIS. I wish I felt as comfortable and confident in my skin as she seems to. I admire her willingness to be herself, no matter what. Sure, she’s silly and ridiculous, but she’s got some serious hustle and she

I can’t disagree. I’ve been shocked at things people have said, people that I’ve known for decades and never suspected of being the bigots they are. I’ve removed a few from my life completely.

I call bullshit.

I agree, more info is needed. When I was an ER nurse, morphine and most other pain meds were given by IV, not injection. Her account sounds sketchy, whereas the doc has what appear to be great credentials. Putting his face up like this, people will assume he's guilty. Ugh all the way around, regardless of whether he

As someone who works in the medical field, and has spent a fair share of time in hospitals and ERs, it is important to realize that these kinds of allegations are extremely common in practice. There are, I suspect, a couple of reasons for this:

She would have to be basically to the point of overdosing in which case she wound also likely not be breathing effectively - it’s not a hypnotic agent and makes you sleepy but not in any sort of trancy sort of way. Also most hospitals don’t allow doctors into the machine where medications are held (since nurses are