
Next year's Coachella uniform.

Maggie Gyllenhaal, is that you?

Indeed. I don't know how he does it, but my husband ends up pulling out the top sheet, the contour bottom sheet, and the mattress pad (as well as stripping a pillow or two of its case) just about every night. (And don't get me started on my teenage sons' weird aversion to the top sheets - they always end up bunched up

I love him, but reading these kooky things about his life always fills me with such anxiety. Like if that was my life, that would be the worst thing ever.

she used the exact font one would expect Britney Spears to use.

I wish us white folks would shut the fuck up about the subject. The next time a teenage white boy is needlessly shot to death then maybe we can start bitching. Otherwise, shut it!

Everything coming out of this is infuriating and heartbreaking and everyone I know is too fucking obsessed with dumping god damn ice water on their heads to notice. Obviously humans are capable of thinking about more than one thing at a time and I'm sure many are paying attention to both Ferguson and the ALS

I would give Erykah my collection of 50 ikea bags if she'd be my friend.

You know what I think? I think anyone who's never stood and stared suicide in the face should shut the fuck up. I think anyone who hasn't cried themselves to sleep and wake in the morning only to find fresh tears are already falling should sit the fuck down. I think anyone who doesn't understand what it's like to be

Fuck that shit. If he's going to have the gall to say Michelle Obama is fat, then he needs to take care of that gut.

It's like having the ultimate Mean Girl whispering in your ear all the time telling you you're worthless, that the world would be better off without you. But it lies. It lies more than any politician ever could. Depression is a fucking asshole.

Now playing

R.I.P. and thank you for 30 years of laughter in my family.

Thank you, that was beautifully said. It breaks my heart to think how unhappy people can be; even when surrounded by people who love them :-/

If a person's success in life can be measured by how many people they helped to keep going no matter what by bringing laughter to their hearts and reminding them of the sheer joy of living, then I have to say: hands down, Mr. Robin Williams, you won. Thank you for all the times you touched my heart and made me keep

Awful, terrble news. He struggled with depression & addiction for years. More proof that mental illness does not discriminate. He had the world's adoration, a loving family & resources far beyond what the average person has and still lost the battle. I hope that someday we treat mental illness as the devastating thing

It made me cry for Mr. Blue Shirt White Cup. What is going on in your brain that you don't even react to this? It just made me horribly sad for him.

Palliation is providing comforting care that is not intended to cure or treat the disease in and of itself, but as palliative care, it is generally offered in tandem with curative treatments. It can last up until the end of live, but in this country we generally think of hospice care as the palliation that you receive

I hate to break it to Mrs. Duffy, but that private conversation with her daughter might not be about the sex and the drugs. Even clean, well behaved children are abused and the nurse might want to ask if the child feels safe or needs help with anything. When my son was younger and broke his collar bone, they

Is it also such a stretch that maybe the doctor or nurse wants to make sure that nothing funky is going on in the young patient's home life?