
I wished my mom a happy father's day yesterday because she was the mom and the dad. My father is still alive but he's like a phantom drifting in and out of our lives when he sees fit. To me he just donated some DNA that I'd really rather give back for more of my mom's DNA and her last name.

Ninja Cat

Okay, Fall Truthers, why would Jennifer Lawrence fake those falls? Falling in a very, very public setting is embarrassing, even if Jennifer has the composure to get back up and make a joke about it. Do you honestly think she wanted her Oscar moment last year to be marred by a humiliating stumble on her way to the

I bet Bruce puts a Bruce Jenner action figure in his little helicopter and whispers, "You're free. You're finally free." when he flies it around.

I'll just put this right here.

Oh Carrie.
I like your voice just fine, but your acting... Sweetie...

kinda nice to think about a civil rights hero dying simply of very old age- a sad rarity, really.

You done good. Godspeed.

Don't be sad when great men or women die. Take as a cue to step up your game a bit— the world now has a huge empty gap in it and it will take hard work from thousands to fill it.

But, if each of us could be just 1/10,000 of the man we have lost think of what we would gain.

I just feel privileged that I got to even exist at the same time as him. Truly a great hero.

Despite the fact that it is not a surprise, it is achingly painful to realize the world lost a truly great man.

I dated a compulsive liar with a lot of drug (like LSD, shrooms, peyote, etc.) and alcohol issues ... The lies were weird as Hell. But so was the truth.

I think Snoop loves Hot Pockets so much he'd do it fo freezy.

Do you have a pic???

Aside from The Dolls' House (which is about as perfect as a book can be), my favourite was Fairy Doll. But I love Rumer Godden excessively: I've read all her children's books and most of her adult ones, and the book she wrote with her sister about growing up in India, Two Under the Indian Sun, has been my bedtime

Also, I never got into Nancy Drew, but I LOVED Trixie Belden. In retrospect, it may have had a lot to do with her close relationship with her BFF, Honey. Ahem.

I'm glad to see Half Magic! I swear I checked that book out every year on summer break.

Everything is suitable for my thin, but still 55 year old body.