
same to you

Why is the Concourse so understaffed or underfunded or whatever it is? Was really expecting a lot more from the political arm of Gawker but it never happened. This article was written on Monday. Since this (as of Wednesday night) we have seen some hard hitting pieces on a shark in a WalMart shopping cart, Nicki Minaj,

Sill not sure if this is satire?

Thank you. Hillary was a flawed candidate and ran a flawed campaign. And Comey. Fuck Comey.

llol (literally laughed out loud)

You’re so edgy.

They should have called him “Ball-arm”.

Except this one went over your head. It used to be Shaefer Stadium. Shaefer - The one beer to have when you’re having more than one.

Came here just for this.

Lava Hot take.

To me, it was clear hyperbole. It does seem like we are just night and day, black and white, you are wrong I am right. I’ve never seen the split so clearly divided as it is today. If you read his words literally (not you), I think you misunderstood his point.