
I grew up in the USA (Midwest) in the 70s and 80s and this was pretty normal for that time and I never faulted my parents for not introducing me to Ethiopian food when I was a child. I didn’t discover most foods from other parts of the world until I was an adult. My parents were great about introducing us to the

There is a happy medium between forcing a kid with texture issues to sit at a table all day with food that gets grosser by the minute and teaching a child to enjoy trying new foods. My brother and I were pretty picky as kids, but we liked some unusual things that were pretty normal for our family, too. We both became

Your own father and grandparents are in an accident - even if they only have bumps and bruises - but you decide your big day is more important? Please tell me I’m reading your comment wrong.

I just love this comment and would give it more stars if I could!

You can do it! I see both sides of this debate and agree with points made on each side. That debate aside, I’m going to share personal info to give you hope that it will work.

This version, yes.

This is brilliant.

That sounds perfect!

1000% this! Better, fresher food is always going to win.

However, buffet style gives you the opportunity for more variety for the same cost. My wedding had amazing food for a heavy hors d’oeuvres buffet for a mid-afternoon wedding. We got so much food and variety because we had a between-meal time for a wedding AND hired a caterer that was somewhat new to the area trying to

You are not the only one who has noticed the decline. 4-5 years ago a good half of the clothes I bought for me and my 2 then-elementary-school-aged daughters were from ON. We went there for back-to-school shopping and found only a handful of things that my girls (now middle school) even wanted to try on. We came out


Oh thank goodness, I thought you were a troll and was about to join the pile on. We all make reading mistakes.

Now THAT sounds yummy!

That sounds delicious. Sometimes a bacon cheeseburger is perfect. Sometimes it’s just too much meat, so the very excellent black bean burger plus bacon sounds perfect.

I was going to say that, but was sure someone else beat me to it.

I’m just glad you didn’t feature pad thai in your picture of food. I would totally had to order that for dinner.

That is my absolute favorite part about her speech! She is so unfamiliar with the religion she hangs her hatred upon that it is funny at the same time it is depressing.

Ok, this made me laugh way too much. All the stars.

Also, remember these?