Virginia Dreaming

They were totally fine with her up until she started speaking up about black lives.

I have noticed that white conservative pundits like to lash out at Beyoncé for increasingly frivolous reasons. Mike Huckabee takes potshots at her almost constantly — perhaps the most famous example is when he said that her husband Jay-Z was pimping her out.

So huh has anyone else noticed that some of Donald Trump’s supporters seem to be vile racist pigs?

According to Trump, the America that white people are supposed to have is broken and stumbling and in need of repair. Kaepernick is black, and has achieved some success, so he needs to zip it and get in line.

Also, the person she “left” her child with was that child’s other parent. If it was a succession of hired nannies I might be willing to entertain some speculation (although being raised primarily by paid help has worked well enough for enough people for long enough that I’m not even really ready to raise an eyebrow)

Dear people on my Facebook feed: If you are boycotting Walmart because of how it treated one police officer and not how it treats millions of employees; if you are boycotting the NFL because it tacitly supports not standing for the anthem and not because it tacitly supports rape, domestic violence and traumatic brain

You think that’s bad? I keep hearing about some rich guy saying America’s full of losers, worse than the worst war zones, that we’re run by crooked liars, that Russia’s great, etc. Really traitorous stuff. Of course the guy’s American, going after his own kind. Sad!

Jerry Jones admires his leadership in the locker room

+1/2 tank of gas

Donald Trump’s kind...

I think “compassionate colonoscopy” was also the gop’s rebranding strategy for their economic plans.

Not sure about winning or losing, but I know my father has been much less annoying since he stopped drinking beer and started using medical marijuana.

“You can fuck right off, buddy.”

I’ve never been more excited to be wrong.

So we now have sportsmanship truthers?

No, it’ll just be a larger field in the final.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?