
Nah, they would follow their own politics. I mean they have Hydra, don’t need MAGA. The World Council doesn’t exist. SHIELD. They will incorporate real world stuff but it won’t be labeled as such.

oh right. I completely forget the MCU doesn’t even mention Inhumans outside of AOS (which let’s be honest, left the MCU after season 2).

see others pointed it out. sorry.

I think it’s more not real than real. Paul etbtany is not mentioned in the DR Strange cast list and it would be weird to have SW but not Vis?

Lol, Why does everyone keep saying it’s just a TV series?

The movie sucks because it sucks. Whedon couldn’t have made it better with what he had.

You say that like it isn’t the coolest thing in the universe!

Nick was my favorite character on the show.

It really just depends on the game or how I am playing it.

Wow Office is a big loss. BUT they are getting Stargate. Too bad they aren’t getting Atlantis or Universe...

Only child i take it?

Lol I did the BETA and I quit shortly after it officially launched. i just started up again last month. it is completely different and a bit overwhelming, but i think it is way more fun than it was.

I picked up Spider-man 3. I liked the whole web swinging thing with the nunchuk and remote. The game sucked though.

Windwaker HD had the best/perfect use for the Gamepad.

Ok. And the only thing they ever say to her is Hello, Nurse. Two words. This song is the only acknowledgement she gets.

Uh, this isn’t the defense you think it is.

Nah, I liked using the black suit so much more. Then i was like eh i will just pick the bad guy stuff since i decided to use the black suit.

It is a full game. Just because it isn’t padded out with all of the extra stuff. It’s not as long, but it is definitely bigger than all the DLC from the last one. I think it was the perfect amount of stuff for this type of game.

I went down the “evil” path cuz i wanted to use the black suit. I couldnt bring myself to go through it again in the red suit.

I always consider Hyrule Warriors bringing the three timelines together so all the different stuff in BOTW makes sense in the scheme of the overall series.