
You can’t possibly be serious? Testosterone (really androgens in general) affects all of that and more. This is common knowledge. The causal link is well established. It has been demonstrated time and time again that average men and older teenage boys can run circles around even the most elite female athletes at

Skeletal structure is also a big factor in why men in general have an advantage over women in sports. Add in longer strides, greater reach, more grip strength, higher muscle mass, greater heart and lung capacity, etc. and there is no way that women can win if sports go mixed-sex. Testosterone levels are brought up

The problem is that testosterone permanently increases bone and muscle density. Since trans women got that juice starting in vitro, it is an unfair advantage - and more so if they transitioned after puberty. HRT helps in that it eliminates the “performance enhancement” aspect of ongoing testosterone production, but it

I can’t imagine what sort of chemical wizardry it would take to make it fair for Lasha Talakhadze to compete against female weightlifters. He can throw 580 lbs over his head.

Testosterone is a thing, whether you want it to be or not. Compare weightlifting records for biological men and women. The differences are vast, especially in drug-tested competition. Making cis women compete against trans women in weightlifting would be embarrassing for everyone involved, athletes included.

Does Somerhalder assume people will find this story charming because he’s not ugly? Because it contains at least 3 of the warning signs of abuse in the booklet my doctor gave me at my first prenatal visit.

If Dr. Berlin did not bring up “reproductive coercion” in the podcast, someone should contact the California medical board.

If Gwynnie could cure my migraine headaches and fibro with cooter crystals and steam, she can have all my money. Better her than Big Pharma. But my guess is I should not hold my breath. So I’ll just keep laying here, mid-flare (thanks for fucking up my refill, CVS).

Agree x1000. My partner and I had amazing sex our first couple years of dating. We’re in our 30s now and we have sex less often, and when it does happen it’s not very exciting, but he is endlessly kind and supportive, cleans the house, takes care of our pets, makes me laugh like no one else and takes care of me when

Totally agree with this. I won’t bore you with my personal life, but let’s just say that I have had a long, serious and bad relationship with great sex, and a loving, supportive marriage where the sex is only ok. And I’d take the latter every time.

I was coming to post the same thing, totally. Mid 40s with two kids now and we’re lucky to pull off once a month. And I usually have to initiate. Even like 5 years ago, I would have freaked the fuck out. It took me awhile to wrap my head around it but now I’m like, eh—-we’ll get back around to it eventually. Mr. GP is

I feel I need to add I cannot believe how many people are saying she needs to cheat on him. Since when was cheating acceptable?! She either needs to break it off, communicate and develop results, or just live with the fact that her guy has boundaries he isn’t willing to scale and she needs to respect that.

Hard disagree. Write a goddamn thank you note. 3 lines: “Thank you for your sweet gift. Junior loves the [whatever]. We’ll think of you whenever baby [does thing, looks at thing. whatever]. Love & kisses/gratefully/humbly, New Parent. Same script for all gifts, so don’t worry about being that personalized (unless your

Had the same reaction to “detach from your mother” in re: letter 2. Wait, what? 1) LW wasn’t asking for advice on that at all and 2) this doesn’t sound like a “put space between you and your mom” issue AT ALL. So the mom sends her reminders, a LOT of moms do that. And I don’t think the mom is so fucking off base that

YUP. This is what people don’t tell you when you’re trying to decide whether to marry someone (at least, no one told me). You need to consider what you’ll need in a partner over the course of your whole life and it’s pretty likely that your sexual needs are going to change. Age is a factor, as are kids, a busy job,

Usually I don’t care, but I didn’t even get past Letter One.

Can i be not a fan of suggesting she can get another partner without his consent? That shit happened to me after 4 years and my polyamorous friends were like “that’s not cool. People who cheat with the excuse of being polyamorous just give us a bad name.” If you’re dead set on that and it’s been discussed just end the

Check your moral compass and consider your options:

Re: Letter 1

They need to find someone else to write this column