When the people are reffering to the Onion for evidence, common sense moves aren’t very common
When the people are reffering to the Onion for evidence, common sense moves aren’t very common
Still a better love story than Twilight.
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks
It wasn’t. She also committed murder.
Here’s some stuff about the woman she killed.
She stabbed an old lady almost 40 times. I think I'll sleep just fine tonight.
Ah, but have you ever had cocaine... on weed?
How is the second part of the response stupid? I find Bronson's music to be childish and misogynistic, so I don't listen. If I was attending a festival, I'd see someone else's set while he was performing. I'd do that because I'm a sensible person. What's the alternative? Censorship?
Except the Muslim Brotherhood would probably have executed her. They’re both terrible but the military isn’t religious by comparison; they’re simply sucking up to the conservative majority in the country. Much like how Republican politicians like Jeb Bush suck up to our wacko Christians without believing a word of the…
I don’t see how. Muhammad was as much of a warmongering savage as these guys. Let’s not even get started on the Ottomans.
LOL. We wish. An extremely literal interpretation of the “holy” text is still an interpretation of the fucking shitty holy text.
Those photos are heartbreaking, she can't even/doesn't even want to look at the camera. This is 2015, right? How is stuff like this still a thing? And in what world do people think that if people can't talk about things, they don't exist. That has never worked in the past and it will never work in the future.
See, this is why I’m not all about “letting other cultures be” and shit. So basically the state (in this case Chechnya) is sanctioning child rape? Fuck. These. Assholes.
Or he just likes black girls? This is icky as hell but declaring the only reason why a white man would like black women is because of animalistic predation does no favours for the perception of women of colour who already rank bottom on every desirability index in America.
I hope you don’t get flamed. You bring up some good points worth discussing. But as I have just only had my coffee I am going to leave that for another day :)
I agree with you. I actually didn’t know she asked the DA to drop the case. This is a red flag. If after nine months from the incident happening the DA was still willing to take up the case, there is no reason to not pursue it....but instead to make herself a media sensation and give dozens of interviews?
Dealing with cops and ADAs is trying and tedious for a fucking reason. It’s their job to do as thorough an investigation as possible. She may not understand the reason they ask the questions they do, but they are looking for any and all evidence to both HELP her, and prevent the other side from destroying her. I am…
I know I’m going to get flamed for saying this (probably by many of my friends here) but I think that the way Emma Sulkowicz has managed the aftermath of her alleged attack is a bit self-centered.
The type of working conditions in China are NOTHING compared to wha's going on right now in Qatar. Inhumane treatment of workers is a terrible thing that essentially every industrializing country ever has gone through on the way to a developed, semi-humane industrial economy. Companies are also putting more oversight…