shawn meagher

Agreed, though short shift kits do wonders in the case of a 3-series.

Perhaps that was the inspiration. Bit of a long shot, but Detroit Diesel is a subsidiary of Daimler AG.

You are correct, sir! Got bumped up to SAS businees class for a Stockholm to Chicago flight when I was an undergrad (no freaking clue how it happened).

Is Red Bull's new marketing strategy to start putting all of their sponsored athletes into some sort of racecar?

On a completely unrelated note... I need to become sponsored by Red Bull in something (which is irrelevant because I just want a Red Bull sponsored racing seat).

It's low, when you compare it to it's cruising altitude. But to refer to it as 'super' is hyperbole; Considering that a B-52 pilots can fly entire sorties at 500 ft.

3rd Gear: Missing Malaysia Air Plane Flew Super Low To Mask Signal

Bear in mind that this is the price in Sweden, this is going to skew the number from what this would cost in the US. (e.g. taxes, exchange rates, etc.)

I would consider it a conspiracy if he DIDN'T like the Z06

Well, I drove an i3 back in November. Ergo, I'm more important than Anne Hathaway.

"Formula 1 Racing Loud Enough to Damage Hearing"... I'm just going to file that under "Shit I Already Know."

They probably want to drive it with the rest of the automotive journalists this time; as opposed to waiting a few months.

The answer to that question is always racecar.

They didn't develop the engine in the MP4-12C and P1 by themselves, much of the engineering and development was done by Ricardo.

That 9:26 isn't just the Nordschleife. The combined circuit run in VLN integrates the Grand Prix Course as well as; the total distance is just shy of 26 km as opposed to the 20.8 km of the Nordschleife.