
Yeah I thought he have a master schedule and have it all color coordinated. He is a control freak so am surprised he threw in the towel taht early.

Yeah I don't think it's unusual, but I think it's starting to drive some of us crazy a little bit. A baby does change things and I loved the way they highlighted that and had their different viewpoints of parenting highlighted. But I just want Mindy to start calling out Danny on his crap. The first part of the episode

Great comment. It really is like The Danny Project as well. Two seasons ago when we had the episode voiced over by him was great. I think that be fun to do again. Honestly I want a therapy session with the two of them and one of the Delaurie's running it lol.

I hope so too. Or at least let Danny get A Christmas Carol episode where he sees what happens to his life if he keeps pushing Mindy to give up everything for him.

I think for me because of both A and B. I love them together and their chemistry is off the charts. But to me this is a romantic comedy in a form of a sitcom. I think we've been through the relationships up and downs and I don't really want to watch a show with Mindy juggling her baby, two jobs, her ex

That is a shame and she was like in every episode in season 1 except for the Christmas work party one and that was it.

Thanks for sharing this!

Except he barely lasted a morning alone with Leo :-) I think he would be calling his ma for help the whole time. But yeah it would be great if he stayed at home.

Really? I loved the Preacher guy. They had great chemistry together.

I really wish that we had other women on this show that Mindy can bounce off on about this. What drives me nuts is that season one she did have a friend that was a stay at home mom, another that was a world traveler, and another that was a gym teacher. I also wish that someone (Jeremy or Peter) would tell Danny to get

Oh God. I won't be watching that show.

Great comment about Mad About You. I remember watching as a kid and was devastated. Probably because that fight was written very well.

Yeah me either. It would be a cheap plot device.

I do too and it's annoying how all the female supporting characters disappeared. I'm glad they made the joke though.

Betsy disappeared after season two. I wish they would bring back Mindy's female friends. Seriously it's kinda ridiculous now.

I don't get it myself. It's so weird. If you hate Mindy Kaling why go on a thread about her show where people are discussing characters/episodes to throw around random rumors which quickly get debunked in like five minutes. That said this wasn't my favorite Danny/Mindy episode. Since we know end game is them married

Yawn. Do feel free to come by next week to share your theories about things that aren't true. It's so fascinating to watch trolls in real time. And TWD is not a limited run show, lol. For someone who supposedly follows people on Twitter it's not that hard to find this stuff out. And congrats to you for just creating

I love Mindy but seriously how the hell does she have three jobs at this point? It's a bit much.

Yeah no. And yeah not me. And you are the same commenter. You just got another account to post this mess. And this isn't on Twitter because Dillahunt is going on TWD. Where have you been? He's definitely probably leaving after this year. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

LOL yeah of course they haven't signed for a sixth season lol. They signed on for for season four (you know the current season) with the understanding by all that there would probably be one more season which has not been officially announced yet but based on the critical acclaim and metracritic scores looks like a